Friday slated for leadership simulcast
Published 5:00 am Thursday, May 7, 2009
Friday will be a day for people hoping to improve theirleadership skills to gather and hear speakers such as formerBritish Prime Minister Tony Blair, golf great Jack Nicklaus, WaltDisney’s Al Weiss and “Inside the NBA” host Ernie Johnson sharetheir secrets without having to leave the comfortable confines ofBrookhaven.
The Maximum Impact Simulcast is a one-day leadership trainingevent to be broadcast live from Atlanta on Friday to approximately500 host sites throughout the nation. This is the second year theSouthwest Leadership Symposium has hosted such an event, and the2008 simulcast attracted more than 100 people to Easthaven BaptistChurch. So far the crowd looks to be on track for the same numberor a few more.
Event organizer Kenny Goza said the symposium is a goodopportunity for local citizens of any stage of life.
“In some ways we’re all leaders whether we’re managers or CEOsor not, because everyone leads someone,” Goza said. “When you getnational speakers like John Maxwell (leadership expert) and TonyBlair, there’s something we can all learn. This is not just aboutbusiness leadership but leadership in general.”
Goza also said the attraction of the event, besides being agreat way for leaders to hone their leadership skills, is that it’sa chance for local people to see national-level speakers.
“We hope it continues to grow because I think for Lincoln Countyand the southwest, we’ve been focused on things like theMississippi Scholars Program that puts us in the classroom talkingto the students, but this helps us reach the adults,” he said.”With something like this, we’re not just helping with students,but leaders in the real world too. We just see it as another meansof continuing the education.”
Tickets for the simulcast, which takes place from 8 a.m. to 3p.m. are $45 per person, which includes lunch, and are stillavailable ahead of time or at the door. More information on theevent may be found at
“This is a come-and-go deal, you don’t have to stay all day,”Goza said. “If you have a specific speaker you want to hear, youcan come and hear them and leave. For ticket price, you’re lookingat a very inexpensive ticket for what you’re getting.”
Questions about tickets and times can be directed to theBrookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce at (601)833-1411.