Four arrests made in auto burglaries
Published 5:00 am Friday, May 15, 2009
Four arrests have been made in a rash of auto burglaries inBrookhaven over the last few weeks, Brookhaven Police Chief PapHenderson said Friday morning.
Henderson said Thomas Johnson, 19, of 229 Ingram St., andChristopher Gayten, 18, of 1337 Union St. Ext, as well as twojuveniles, were arrested Thursday and charged with multiple countsof auto burglary.
Johnson and Gayten are facing eight counts of auto burglary andthe juveniles are facing four counts each. The burglary strikesoccurred during May at the tennis courts on Hartman Street, theparking lot of the Lofton Baseball Field, the Hansel King SportsComplex, Exchange Club Loop and Lincoln Residential Center.
“We do know we can put these on them and we do have otherevidence,” Henderson said. “We’re continuing the investigationbecause there are a couple of other things we’re looking athere.”
Henderson said there were 12 burglaries that have been tied tothe group so far, and that charges are pending on another case thattook place in the parking lot of the Fish Fry restaurant.
The men were allegedly breaking into the cars, sometimes bybreaking windows, and primarily stealing valuables that werevisible in the vehicles.
“We’ve asked citizens before please don’t put your valuableswhere they can be seen in your car. Put them away,” Henderson said.”This should be another situation that opens their eyes.”
Henderson said once he and Det. Bobby Bell received somepertinent evidence, the case was pretty cut-and-dry.
“Det. Bobby Bell headed up this case and he jumped on it rightaway,” Henderson said. “Once we received some critical information,we were able to make arrests and get statements pretty quick.”