State mum on MSA director replacement
Published 5:00 am Monday, May 18, 2009
With Mississippi School of the Arts Executive Director Dr. VickiLambert stepping down after six years of dedicated work, educatorsare faced with the large task of filling her shoes.
Deputy Superintendent for the Office of Quality Professionalsand Special Schools Daphne Buckley said Lambert has been a greatleader for the school in its formative years.
“She’s been a strong advocate for the schools from thebeginning, a competent leader well-versed in the arts, and hasfought to build a strong arts school,” Buckley said. “She’s beensupportive of the students over the years, and has wanted the besteducation possible for them and wanted to be able to offer avariety of courses in the arts.”
It is for that reason that a committee of representatives andstakeholders from the community, the arts field, the schooldistricts, and MSA’s faculty and student body worked diligently toscreen applicants to find someone worthy of their recommendation totake the reins from Lambert.
“The committee did make a recommendation to Dr. Hank Bounds butthe ball is in his court now,” said Brookhaven SchoolsSuperintendent Lea Barrett.
But for now, the lid is on tight about who the committee mighthave recommended, Buckley said.
“Hoping to have a replacement in time for school,” she said.”The committee comes forward with the recommendation to the statesuperintendent and then it’s up to him.”
Barrett said it doesn’t matter who succeeds Lambert, no one willever replace her.
“She will be forever remembered as hugely instrumental atgetting MSA off the ground,’ Barrett said. “I have enjoyed workingwith Vicki, and her love for her kids and the School of the Artshas impressed anyone who’s ever known her.”
Lambert will remain in her present position until June 30, atwhich point officials say they hope to have her replacementannounced and integrated into the system.