Man killed in auto accident close to home
Published 5:00 am Monday, July 6, 2009
A Lawrence County man died over the weekend in a single-caraccident within sight of his home, authorities said.
Lawrence County Coroner Sidney Fortenberry said Johnny L.Porter, 34, was killed when he lost control of his full-sizedpickup and wrecked only seconds after leaving his driveway at 7:25a.m. Saturday. Fortenberry said Porter had not traveled more than100 yards down the road before he veered left, pulled back hard tothe right and flipped into a rollover.
“He couldn’t have been going that fast,” Fortenberry said. “Idon’t know what the reason was he lost control. He had just pulledout of his driveway.”
Fortenberry said Porter was ejected from the driver’s sidewindow of the rolling truck and landed under it before the vehiclerolled back upright. He said Porter sustained severe head injuriesand died instantly.
Porter is survived by two children, Fortenberry said.