Local trio in World Series
Published 5:00 am Monday, August 17, 2009
Baseball is king for three area youngsters and their families.Caught in a summer whirlwind of success on the diamond, BrockRoberts, Bailey Warren and Landon Nettles find themselves in anelite group of McComb BoSox All-Stars.
Fresh from winning the Babe Ruth Baseball 13s SouthwesternRegional in Bentonville, Ark., the BoSox are packing for a uniquetrip to the Babe Ruth World Series in Bailey, Utah. It will be aonce-in-a-lifetime experience for coaches, players and parentsalike.
The World Series begins Saturday, Aug. 22. The BoSox departThursday. Their airline voyage is paid for by the Babe Ruthorganization. Parents are scrambling to make flightreservations.
School, starting earlier in Mississippi than surrounding states,has been put on hold. Warren, from Wesson; Nettles, from Brookhaven(Academy) and Roberts, from Bogue Chitto, also play football andbasketball for their respective schools.
They were all on the same Babe Ruth team in the SouthwestMississippi League that is based in McComb. The right-handersplayed for Dairy Fresh.
Roberts had played against Warren and Nettles in their youngerDixie Youth Baseball League years. Roberts encouraged them to jointhe Babe Ruth program.
The BoSox cruised to the state tournament title and qualifiedfor the regional in Bentonville where they went undefeated untilthe championship series against Eagle Pass, Texas. They bouncedback from a narrow 4-3 loss to whip Eagle Pass 12-2 in the titlegame.
The BoSox are under the direction of Richard Cothern. Assistantcoaches are Ken Whittington, Steve Brock, and Stephen Smith.
Were the players surprised by the team’s success in theplayoffs?
“I thought we would be pretty good,” said Roberts who playsright field and pitches.
“Eagle Pass and Bryant (Ark.) were supposed to be the teams tobeat in the regional,” said Nettles, a shortstop and third baseman.”They were the toughest teams.”
Warren, a second and third baseman, participated in footballpractice Friday before heading for McComb and baseball practice. Hesaid the team enjoys playing for Cothern.
“He scouts other teams and finds out all about them,” saidWarren.
Roberts said there was no shortage of confidence on the squad asthey entered the regional test. “We won the first game 20-8,” overNeiderland, Texas.
“Our team had some good pitching and we hit the ball good, too,”noted Nettles.
Other team members are Tanner Whittingon, Ladarius Coney, RyanCothern, Matthew Artigues, Dusty Brock, Phillip Strawn, AustinSmith and Mikel Jenkins.
At the regional in Bentonville, host families housed theplayers. Warren and Roberts spent last week in the home of Don andJoy Clay.
There will be host families for the World Series in Utah.
“Our parents enjoyed the trip, too,” said Warren, with a grin.”They didn’t have to keep any of us.”
Mrs. Warren said the host families were warm and gracious andattended the regional tournament. “After the games, our kids wouldtell us, ‘Bye,” and leave with their host family. We said, ‘Wait aminute. We want to visit with our children a little bit.'”
Asked about their favorite Major League Baseball players,Nettles said he likes Greg Nettles of the Los Angeles Dodgers.Warren follows Chipper Jones of the Atlanta Braves and Robertslikes Jason Bay of the Boston Red Sox.
All-Star parents: Proud parents are Clay and Debbie Roberts,Michael and Denise Nettles, and Scott and Cathy Warren.