Rogers rebounds from sideline crash
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Brookhaven Academy junior quarterback Chandler Rogers showedjust how tough he is last Friday night in the Cougars’ 34-20 winover Silliman Institute. The game was delayed nearly two hours dueto lightning.
Minutes into the first quarter, Rogers (6-3, 190) was knockedout of bounds by Silliman senior linebacker Cody Donze (6-3, 240)into the Cougar sideline bench. One series later, Rogers returnedto the field and directed BA’s offense, despite sustaining abruised hip and bruised lower left ribs.
On the night, Rogers completed 9 of 17 passes for 130 yards andrushed the football 4 times for 38 yards. He rushed for a 43-yardTD and hit teammate Donovan Lorrain for a 39-yard score.
For his accomplishments, Rogers has been named The DAILYLEADER’S Offensive Player of the Week for the first week of the2009 football season.
When asked about his injuries Monday afternoon at the fieldhouse, Rogers smiled and said, “I’m stiff.” He had just come backfrom therapy treatment at King Daughter’s Medical Center.
Asked about the injury, Rogers said he really didn’t rememberhow it happened but he remembered dodging his head and shoulder,then feeling the impact when his lower side hit the large pipe thatframes the bench.
“Chandler played hurt Friday night,” said Brookhaven Academyhead football coach Herbert Davis. ” He and his offensive linefinally settled in. He made the big run on the option.
” He showed good leadership and got through some nagginginjuries,” continued Davis. “He battled through and made the bigplays for us. He helped us pull away in the second quarter andsecond half.”
Rogers runs a 40-yard dash in 4.73 seconds. In the weight room,he bench presses 230 pounds and squats 325.
Rogers is proud of his offensive line and named them. Startingat left tackle is Alan Michael Allred. The left guard is ClintStewart and the center is Hunter Franklin. Right guards are CalebDunaway and Hunter McCullough. Right tackles are Cameron Berry,Prentiss Smith and Bailey Hodge.
“Under the conditions and first-game jitters, they really playedwell,” stated Rogers of his linemen. “We had a lot of young guysout there. They had a lot of learning to do. After I got injured,they kind of came together.”
Rogers wears eye black patches under each eye that bears a quotefrom Proverbs 27:2 in the Bible. “Don’t praise yourself; let othersdo it!”
It’s one of his favorite passages.
Rogers also plays varsity basketball for Coach Dale Watts. Inhis spare time, he hunts and fishes. Rogers is also a Boy Scout andhas the rank of Star.
He is the son of Jeff and Karen Rogers. He has a younger sisterPeyton, a sixth grader at BA. They are members of First BaptistChurch of Brookhaven.
“I’d like to thank my offensive line for coming together,” addedRogers. “They are the hardest-working guys on the team. They reallystepped it up.”