Obituaries for Sunday, August 30, 2009
Published 5:00 am Monday, August 31, 2009
Casey Cheyenne Coghlan
Private services for Casey Cheyenne Coghlan, of Ruth, were 10a.m. Saturday, Aug. 29, at Shady Grove Baptist Church with burialin the church cemetery. Catchings Funeral Home was in charge ofarrangements.
Infant Coghlan, 2 days old, died Aug. 26, 2009, at University ofMississippi Medical Center in Jackson. He was born in Jackson onAug. 24, 2009, to Eric Cheyenne Coghlan and Dehna MartinCoghlan.
Preceding him in death were his paternal great-grandparents,Leroy and Ruth Mathis and B. F. “Frank” Coghlan; and his maternalgreat-grandparents, Howard and Maggie Martin and Virgil andOlivette Cox.
Survivors are his parents, Eric Cheyenne Coghlan and DehnaMartin Coghlan, of Ruth; his sisters, Devan Summers Whittington andLauren Grace Coghlan, both of Ruth; his paternal grandparents,Wayne and Debbie Coghlan, of Ruth; his maternal grandparents, Bobbyand Ellen Martin, of Ruth; his great-grandmother, Helen Coghlan, ofRuth; his aunt, Shannon Coghlan Kuykendall and husband, Justin, ofFlorence; his uncles, Jimmy Martin and wife, Julie, and BuckMartin, all of Hog Chain; his great-uncles and great-aunts, RichardCoghlan and wife, Rita, Susan Glennis and husband, C. V., and LisaMercier and husband, Alfred, all of McComb, and Brooke Fuller, ofByram, Nancy Buckles and husband, Willie and Betty Golmon andhusband, Horace, all of Hog Chain; his cousins, Kristen Martin, ofVicksburg, and Bridgette Martin, of Hog Chain; and numerous othercousins and relatives.
Roy Allen Schmidt Jr.
Services for Roy Allen Schmidt Jr., of Sontag, were 11 a.m.Saturday, Aug. 29, at Shiloh Baptist Church in Sontag with burialin the church cemetery. Wilson Funeral Home was in charge ofarrangements.
Mr. Schmidt, 86, died Aug. 27, 2009, at Lawrence County NursingCenter. He was born in Moundridge, Kan., on June 1, 1923, to EdwardJ. Schmidt and Dora Decker Schmidt.
He was a retired mail carrier for the U.S. Postal Service. Hewas a member of Shiloh Baptist Church, where he was a past musicdirector, deacon and Sunday school teacher.
Mr. Schmidt was a past president and board member for the SontagCommunity Center, a past member of the Lawrence County School Boardand a past officer of the Sontag Water Association. He was a U.S.Army veteran of World War II.
Preceding him in death were his parents; his wife, KathrynAnnette Rush Schmidt; his son, Roy “Al” Schmidt Jr; and threesisters.
Survivors are his sons, Mark Schmidt, of Coris Canna, Texas, andStephen Schmidt, of Sontag; his daughters, Esther Martin andSuzzanne Barras, both of Sontag, and Anita Clements, of Halleville,Texas; eight grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.