Labor Day Closings

Published 5:00 am Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The following government offices will be closed Monday inobservance on the Labor Day holiday: the United States PostalService offices; the Brookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce;the driver’s license department of the Mississippi Highway Patrol;the county offices of Lincoln, Franklin and Lawrence counties; andthe city offices of Brookhaven, Monticello, Bude, Meadville andWesson.

Also, schools in Lincoln, Copiah, Franklin and Lawrence countieswill be closed. Brookhaven Public Schools, Brookhaven Academy andCopiah-Lincoln Community College will also observe the Labor Dayholiday.

The DAILY LEADER will be closed Monday to observe the Labor DayHoliday on Sept. 7. There will not be a newspaper published on thatdate.

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