Lumber company closure latest hit in job loss area

Published 5:00 am Monday, September 28, 2009

Evidence of the economic downturn struck home again last weekwith the forced closure of a longtime Brookhaven business.

Despite local owners Jeff Grierson and Doug Boykin’s bestefforts to keep it afloat, Columbus Lumber Company was ordered tocease operations last Thursday by Bank of America, the business’primary lender. The closure resulted in the loss of 100 jobs thathad been provided by the facility.

Since its opening in 1943 by the Behan family, Columbus LumberCompany has been a locally owned operation throughout severalchanges in ownership. The chances of a continuation of thatsituation are now at best uncertain as new owners are sought – ifany can be found at all.

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While the Columbus closure is perhaps the biggest hit the countyhas taken during continuing economic doldrums, it is not the onlyone. Some hits – both large and small – have been beyond anyone’scontrol while others have been self-inflicted.

The circumstances surrounding a hit of the self-inflictedvariety continue to surface following Lincoln County supervisors’decision to not renew a state wildlife agency’s lease for officespace in a county-owned building. The move, ostensibly to make roomfor the county tax office, cost the county approximately eight jobsplus the prestige of having a state agency’s district office in thecommunity.

Last week, however, an architect studying the building said itis “not very adaptable,” which suggests its use for the stated taxoffice purpose will not fly.

Supervisors remain divided over whether to raze the building anda construct a new one or try to renovate it for whatever possiblecounty use. More details on possible options are expected at anOct. 5 board meeting.

While the efforts will not always pay off, vigilance and aproactive approach remain the best avenues in pursuit of economicdevelopment. Business owners, community leaders and electedofficials must never forget that fact.