BLT membership party scheduled for Saturday

Published 5:00 am Thursday, October 22, 2009

Brookhaven Little Theatre’s upcoming season will feature newevents and new talent, and the members who ply their trade at theHaven theater downtown want the season to feature new faces aswell.

The BLT annual membership party begins at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday,Oct. 24, at the Haven, and theatre-minded Brookhavenites areencouraged to appear for a night of refreshments, entertainment andplanning. A one-year membership in the organization can bepurchased for $45, and comes with a season-long pass into all ofBLT’s activities, and makes the member a soldier on the front linesof local theatre.

“It makes you a part of the arts community here in LincolnCounty,” said BLT President Greg Russell. “This is just a real goodvenue for the arts here in Lincoln County, and we have a lot oftalented people. You’ll learn a lot about our community.”

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Russell said BLT was changing to meet the 2009-10 play season byadding an extra play, a new workshop and increased involvement fromcommunity arts leader Mississippi School of the Arts.

The play season begins in November with “Biloxi Blues,” directedby Carroll Ritchie; “Dearly Beloved” will debut the last week ofFebruary and first of March and will be directed by John Landress;Sarah Underwood and Clay Whittington will direct “Joseph and theAmazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” in May; and MSA’s Dr. Robert Brookswill direct a teenage-only production of “Into the Woods” sometimeduring the summer. The summer drama camp for kids, which features aplay at the end of the two-week session, will also return for itssixth year.

The addition of “Into the Woods” brings the season’s play countup to five, hence the extra $10 in membership fees. The play willcast teenagers from across the county in all its roles.

Russell said the teenage play is the missing link in the theatregroup’s chain, and he hopes it will fill the void of adolescencebetween the summer drama camp for elementary and middle schoolstudents and the adult play season.

“We should have a good group now that has grown out of our dramacamp, but are not adults, and want to be a part of our artsproductions,” Russell said. “We’re very excited about Dr. Brooksand the training and resources he will bring to us.”

Another new feature coming next year to the Haven is adirector’s workshop that will teach participants the finer pointsof directing a play. Russell said new directors can learn the basicrequirements and experienced directors can tweak their methods.

Membership in BLT will also allow a first-hand look at theHaven’s ongoing renovations. A new roof and stunning new façadehave been added during phases one and two of the multi-phase, $1million project, and Phase Three will begin restoring the interiorof the theater. Russell said renovations have slowed as grantfunding availability has dried up beginning last year, but BLTcontinues to seek outside assistance and to plan for localfundraisers.

“We really are eager to move the renovation process indoors,” hesaid. “We want a modern, up-to-date stage to go along witheverything else on the table.”

More information on BLT and the upcoming season may be obtainedby calling Russell at 601-669-1878.