Sixth arrest made in Copiah-Lincoln assault

Published 6:00 am Monday, November 9, 2009

Copiah Lincoln Community College officials said another arresthas been made in the case of an alleged sexual attack on a femalestudent in a men’s dormitory about a month ago.

Co-Lin Public Relations Director Natalie Davis said Friday thatCo-Lin student Cameron Clark was arrested around 9:30 a.m. Fridayin connection with the case.

“There has been another arrest in the case of the alleged sexualassault,” Davis said. “He is a student.”

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Copiah County Jail officials said Clark, 18, is from 232 SouthAve., Crystal Springs, and has been charged with rape.

Clark is the sixth person to be charged in connection to theOct. 6th incident after Damonte Glover, 20, Tim Graves and AntonioDavis, both 18, and Jason West, age unavailable, were charged withrape and Justin Sandifer, 19, was charged with sodomy in theincident.

West turned himself in to police on Oct. 14 after a warrant wasissued for his arrest, but the others were picked up by Co-Linpolice in the days following the attack.

The school does have a policy against female students in maledormitories, but school officials have said that does not excuse itif there was an attack on the freshman female.

Davis is not a student at Co-Lin, but the others are, officialssaid.