Emma Charles Foster Holmes
Published 6:00 am Friday, January 8, 2010
Emma Charles Foster Holmes was buried yesterday in a privategraveside service at Riverwood Memorial Park.
Mrs. Holmes was born in 1923 to the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles S.Foster, of Elkin, N.C.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Warren M. Holmes, ofBrookhaven; and their daughter, Suzanne Foster Holmes Ainsworth, ofJackson.
Survivors are son, Martin Samuel Holmes and wife, Sharon, ofBrookhaven; three granddaughters, Emma Charles Downey and husband,Scott, of Jackson, Virginia Jane Henning and husband, John, of LakeCharles, La., and Samantha Katherine Daniel and husband, Chris, ofHendersonville, Tenn.; and one grandson, James Larry Ainsworth Jr.,of Brandon; four great-granddaughters and four great-grandsons.
Private graveside was given by the Rev. Bendon Ginn, LarryAinsworth Jr., Sharon Holmes and John Henning.
Burial was beside her husband and daughter.
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