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Tadlock shows wardrobe for Miss America

Published 6:00 am Friday, January 8, 2010

Miss Mississippi Anna Tadlock is in the homestretch, not only ofher reign and her run for Miss America, but also possibly of herpageant career.

“It’s bittersweet, this is the pageant of all pageants for me.You only get one shot at it,” said the former Brookhaven resident.”I almost know this is the last one I’ll ever do.”

And Tadlock’s many admirers and fans will have the chance to seeher wardrobe for her time in Las Vegas at her final trunk showbefore the big day. The show will be held Sunday in Vicksburg atthe City Auditorium at 2 p.m., Tadlock said, and will go until thelast visitor leaves.

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The event will be emceed by last year’s Miss Mississippi,Christine Kozlowski. Mississippi’s Outstanding Teen, Laura LeeLewis, also a Brookhaven product, will do special entertainment forthe show.

Tadlock said she’ll be modeling a lot of the clothing she’llwear for special appearances while she’s in Las Vegas for the MissAmerica competition, as well as possible choices for evening gownand talent.

“If our swimsuits are in, then hopefully I’ll have that too,”Tadlock said, adding that she will also perform the song she’llsing in the talent portion of the competition.

Tadlock, the daughter of Tommy and Felicia Tadlock andgranddaughter of Brookhaven’s Travis Tadlock, will representMississippi in the Miss America Pageant on January 30 at 7 p.m. Itwill be aired on The Learning Channel (TLC).

Tadlock said she’s had a lot of fun in her time as MissMississippi. She said most recently she represented her home statein the Cotton Bowl parade.

“There were way more people there representing the University ofMississippi and the state of Mississippi than the state ofOklahoma,” she said.

The experience was a little ironic for Tadlock, who is aMississippi State graduate. She said nobody held it against her,though.

She said at certain checkpoints during the parade, her biographywould be read over a public address system. She said when she wasannounced as Miss Mississippi, the crowd would cheer.

“Then they would say, ‘A 2008 graduate of Mississippi StateUniversity,’ and you could hear some people in the crowd go,’Boooo,’ and then they’d say, ‘Representing Mississippi in the MissAmerica pageant,’ and they’d all cheer again,” she said, laughing.”I think some people laughed because I was a State graduate.”

And as a promise to a fellow MSU alumnus, she represented herschool in the parade as well, though discretely.

“I had a Bulldog pin on my coat that day, and ironically nobodycalled me out on it,” she said.

But the special appearances take the back burner now, as she hasfocused on the finish line. She said December and January have beentaken up quite a bit with working out and practicing her talentevery day, as well as last minute shopping and alterations.

“I stay really busy and stay really focused, I’d like to think Ihave blinders on, and I see just what’s ahead of me,” she said.”This is the biggest thing I’ve ever done, and I want to leave nostone unturned. I’m not nervous, mostly just anxious, just wantingto be able to go and compete and have a good time, and the lastmonth or so, I’ve just been waiting on getting on the plane toactually be there.”

And once she’s there, Tadlock said, she plans to have the timeof her life.

“The plan is after every element of competition, to do it andleave it behind me and look forward to what’s next,” she said. “I’dlike to think I’ve done everything I can to prepare and that I cangive Mississippi a good showing on a national stage, but it comesdown to the opinion of seven people.”