Weather slows transport hub work
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Workers at Brookhaven’s Multi-Modal Transportation Facilityexperienced a bit of a lull when cold weather held up work on theroof during the sub-zero temperatures earlier this month, said PaulJackson Project Superintendent Jamie Harvey.
“It affected the roof more than anything else,” he said. “We hada few complications, but we finally got the go-ahead. The weatherhas to be above 45 degrees.”
The frigid weather held up operations about a week and a half totwo weeks, he said, but that was no worse than the light pole thatneeded to be moved. One of the light poles that was already inplace was positioned so that it would end up in the middle of theparking lot at project’s end, so it was moved and two other poleswere put in order to clear the parking lot area.
The Multi-Modal Facility is being put in where the old powerplant has long lain dormant, under the smokestack on RailroadAvenue. It is now being made over again, starting in the middle oflast summer, and should be the fulfillment of a project the cityhas worked toward for nine years.
While the cold weather did hold things up a bit, Harvey said,the rain hasn’t affected much since the slab has been laid. Wiringis going on currently, and several large plate-glass windows wereput in over the last few weeks, Harvey said.
“We finally got all those installed, except a couple of panes ofglass,” he said.
Before the asphalt on the parking lot can be put down, Harveysaid, workers are waiting for Cellular South to put their linesthrough to accommodate the cell tower on top of the 180-footsmokestack that sits just adjacent to the building.
But the next order of business is to address the railroadtracks, Harvey said.
An 80-foot covered canopy will be added from the building to thetracks to shelter train passengers on their walk from the building.Canopies will also be built on the front and the back of thebuilding.
But the canopy cannot go up until permits come in from therailroad, which Harvey said could be as long as a few weeks.
In addition, Railroad Avenue has been cut off at the facility.The land to the south of the building will be used as a parkinglot.
During construction last year, two plaques detailing theconstruction of the old power plant were discovered in almostperfect condition behind a brick wall that protected them over theyears. City officials said when the plaque is made for themulti-modal facility, it will match the older ones and they will beplaced together.
The transportation hub is projected to be finished around Aprilof this year. Harvey said that is still a possibility, though it ishard to tell while contractors wait on permits and otherpaperwork.
“If we get all the permits from the railroad, it’s possible tostill make the deadline,” he said. “But the inside will definitelybe complete before the deadline.”