Selecting ‘Purr-fur-able’ gifts

Published 6:00 am Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Yes, I know it’s come and gone, but I’m writing this article onValentine’s Day eve; so it seemed relevant to make the gesture. Bythe way, if any of you gave or received a puppy or kitten for thisromantic holiday, have it spayed or neutered. And no, I’m notgetting on that soapbox today.

Today I’m going to harp on gift-giving ideas. Though Valentine’sDay has come and gone and I missed my chance to make some sales forBARL, the bulk of 2010 is yet to be enjoyed. There are stillbirthdays, Easter, Independence Day, anniversaries and the nearestevent – St. Patty’s Day.

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“What gift-giving might you be talking about, Rusty?” you might bewondering, huh?

I am referring to the bountiful gift possibilities that BARL has tooffer. There are hats and T-shirts available (new prints arecurrently in progress). There is also the Brick Campaign that isongoing. You can purchase a brick that can be engraved tomemorialize or honor that special human or pet in your life. BARL,in conjunction with Brookhaven Monument Company, has been providingthis service for several years. Those bricks are then set out atthe Adoption Center for all the visitors to see.

Now, the route I took to my Valentine’s heart was yet another BARL”giving” opportunity. This opportunity I’m referring to is the”Purr-Fur-Able” program. See, there are several dogs at BARL thathave not had the best of luck finding their forever-homes. The ideaemerged that if these pups can’t get adopted literally, we’d comeup with a “virtual adoption” for them. It was determined that thecost of annual vaccinations and basic care for the year would totalabout $125 per dog. So, for those of you who want to help thesespecial animals, but may not be able to make the full commitment totake them home for good, you can “virtually” adopt them.

If I may?

An example of a Purr-fur-able would be our Pete. Pete is theepitome of “a good ole dog.” He’s mainly black, but has a charcoalgray tint to his coat. He’s probably got some Chow and Lab mixed upin that sweet being of his. He hangs out at the beach house (hiscustom-built dog house) out behind the Adoption Center, usuallyjust sitting on the porch watching the goings-on around the center.He was in a foster home over the holidays and we found out he ishouse-trained and a great TV watcher. He’d make an excellent petfor someone wanting a “lay-around-porch-dog” during the day and onethat curls up at your feet each night.

Let me tell you about another Purr-fur-able – Milo. One of the bestlooking dogs out at the Adoption Center, Milo is light brown incolor with a slight reddish tint. The breed, while questionable,would resemble a Rhodesian Ridgeback, with some hound mixed in. Asfor personality, Milo fits the mold of the true dog – loyal andman’s best friend. He’s not the best at interacting with otheranimals. He needs to be the only “furry child” in the family;however, he’ll make you a true companion.

Another Purr-fur-able is Beau. Beau is an enigma of sorts. He’salso a packrat. He stashes sticks, toys and whatever else he findsin his doghouse. He’s a great size, mid-to-small in size, about25-30 pounds. After watching his actions over the past severalyears, he’s obviously very smart. Yet, he’s never been adopted.He’s black with some tan markings and his eyes seem black as coal.Who knows what breed he is; my wife just calls him “adorable.” Beauis the defacto big brother to Vinnie, though Vinnie is twice hissize. It’s really amazing how they’ve become linked over the years.While it would take patience, the reward would be immeasurable ifyou gave a home to a pooch like Beau, along with his “little”brother Vinnie.

So there you go. You have some gift-giving ideas for your futuregift-giving events of 2010. Forget about the power tools ordepartment store gift cards – how cold are those gifts? Warm theheart of your loved one by sharing with them the homeless hearts ofBARL. Your thoughtfulness will go a long way with the recipient andthe funds used, a long way with the BARL crew.

Oh, by the way, the Purr-fur-able of choice for yours-truly?Kizzie. She’s become the “Matriarch of the Mutts” over the last fewyears. Even though it was an obvious self-anointed title, it isapparent when watching all the hounds that no one questionsKizzie’s role as the Queen. She’s the Big Cheese. She and Beth havea bond and, yes, I took advantage of an opportunity to earn somebrownie points with the missus. And yes, I definitely tugged on theheartstrings. For Valentine’s I gave Beth what she said was theperfect gift – Kizzie is now her purr-fur-able dog.

Rusty Adcock is a local restaurateur and a volunteer of theBrookhaven Animal Rescue League. For more information about BARL orto view pets for adoption go to or call601-757-4367.