Former Leader publisher Jacobs dies
Published 3:33 pm Thursday, February 25, 2010
Charles Robinson Jacobs, former owner and retired editor andpublisher of the Brookhaven Daily Leader died Wednesday evening. Hewas 91.
Jacobs purchased the Leader Times in 1958, later merging it withanother weekly newspaper in Brookhaven and changed the name to theLeader-Advertiser. In 1968, he converted the twice-weekly newspaperinto a five-day daily under the name The Daily Leader. AmongMississippi’s oldest newspapers, The Leader celebrated its 127thyear of publication on Feb. 23, one day prior to Jacobs’ death. TheLeader remains owned by the Jacobs family.
He owned newspapers in New Hampshire and Ohio prior to moving toMississippi. He was active in the New Hampshire Press Association,the Ohio Press Association, the Mississippi Press Association, theNational Press Association and the Southern Newspaper PublishersAssociation.
Active in his community, he participated in many economicdevelopment project efforts that included the Wal-Mart DistributionCenter, Packard Electric (now Delphi), the Brookhaven HousingAuthority and many other projects through the Brookhaven – LincolnCounty Chamber of Commerce. He was a member of the First UnitedMethodist Church.
He is survived by his wife Pat; three sons, Randy and his wifeFontaine, of Houston, Texas; Don of Jackson, Miss.; and Bill andhis wife Amy and two granddaughters, Ann Kirk and Meredith, all ofBrookhaven.
Services under the direction of Riverwood Family Funeral Serviceat this time are incomplete. Visitation will be Friday from 5 7 p.m. at the funeral home.
In lieu of flowers, memorials are requested for the MississippiSchool of the Arts, the Brookhaven-Lincoln County Public Library orthe King’s Daughters Medical Center Foundation in Brookhaven.