Haulman, Britt
Published 7:13 pm Monday, March 22, 2010
Mr. and Mrs. David Raymer Haulman, of Vicksburg, announce theengagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, JenniferLeigh Haulman, of Hattiesburg, to Kenneth Rock Britt, ofRidgeland.
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kenneth Britt, of Wesson.
She is the granddaughter of Cecil Breaux Haulman and the lateClement Raymer Haulman, of Gainesville, Fla., the late LucilleBabineaux Taber, of Lafayette, La., and the late Edward WilliamTaber, of Garland, Texas.
He is the grandson of Dixie Nell Griffith Walker and the lateWalter Edward Walker, of Wesson, and the late Charles Monvil Britt,of Wesson, and the late Mildred Williams Britt Bardwell, ofMcComb.
The bride-elect is a 1993 graduate of Warren Central High School.She received a Bachelor of Science degree in social andrehabilitation services, and a Bachelor of Science degree inelementary education from the University of Southern Mississippi.She received a Master of Education degree from William CareyUniversity. She is employed with the Petal School District.
The prospective groom is a 1995 honor graduate of Wesson AttendanceCenter. He attended Copiah-Lincoln Community College. He isemployed with Entergy Mississippi.
Vows will be exchanged June 5, 2010, at the First Baptist ChurchChapel in Jackson. A reception will follow at the Fairview Inn.