Legislators setting good example in fitness fight

Published 12:33 pm Monday, March 29, 2010

While criticism is often heaped on state legislators for theirinability to get along and their difficulty in getting goodlegislation passed, a group of lawmakers and other officials issetting a good example that other Mississippians would do well tofollow.

Around 100 portly politicians, including District 53 Rep. BobbyMoak, and others are currently participating in a 12-week fitnessprogram to lose weight and get in better shape. So far, theearly-morning workout sessions have helped them shed a collective1,300 pounds.

In a state with the highest rate of obesity in the nation, 32.8percent in 2008 according to the latest totals available, a “rollmodel” could fairly be perceived as someone skilled in packing onthe pounds. We need fewer of those and more true role models alongthe lines of the batch of state lawmakers looking to loseweight.

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Unlike the lawmakers, many Mississippians may not have time toattend organized fitness programs or corporate sponsors picking upthe tab.

But the path to healthier living does not require such incentives.All it takes to begin the journey is a desire to improve one’slifestyle by better managing food intake and committing to anexercise routine.

Lawmakers are recognizing and realizing the benefits of healthyliving, and showing good leadership to the rest of us.