East Lincoln
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Today is recognized as Palm Sunday, the day Jesus enteredJerusalem with crowds waving palm branches and using them to coverHis path. He entered into the city as a celebrity to its people,but in a week’s time, He had been portrayed as a criminal. On GoodFriday, five days after entering the city, Jesus, the Savior, wascrucified and tossed in a tomb.
However, next Sunday, the day we celebrate Easter, signifies thatdeath could not defeat hope. Hope was temporarily stunned until theday of the first Easter, when the tomb was opened and the body wasdiscovered to be missing! Jesus had risen and defeated death andevil, bringing about true salvation for all in the process.
On Easter Sunday, April 4, Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church’ssunrise service will begin at 7 a.m., with coffee and donuts tofollow. There will be no evening services. Harmony Baptist Church’smen will host breakfast at 8 a.m. with special music and a specialworship service to follow at 8:45 a.m.
There are a lot of great things going on at Harmony. Thecongregation is excited over the hiring of Nick Davis as thechurch’s new music leader. Nick has been at Bellevue Baptist Churchin Hattiesburg for several years and had previously served as musicleader at Harmony several years ago.
Harmony also finished its “Biggest Loser” weight loss contestrecently. The contest, which spanned nine weeks, pitted 12 churchmembers against each other to see who could lose the most weight.In total, the 12 participants lost 65 pounds. The “Biggest Loser”winner was Anthony Foster. Congratulations to you all!
Upcoming events at Harmony include the renewal of their Wednesdaynight suppers each Wednesday at 5:45 p.m. with services to followat 6:30 p.m. There will also be a youth lock-in, which is open tothe community, on April 2 at 7 p.m. There will be games, includinga scavenger hunt, and other fun activities. For more information,contact Bro. Owen King at 601-833-7870.
The Lincoln County Relay for Life, originally scheduled for May7-8, has been rescheduled. It will now be on April 30 and May 1.The relay is the biggest fundraiser for the American Cancer Societyand will bring together many different teams that are raising moneyto fund the search for a cure.
Pleasant Grove UMC’s relay team is off to a running start. Adrawing on a quilt donated by the Community Crafters will be heldand tickets can be purchased from team members for $1. Pledge cardsthat will hang on a tree in the family life center can be purchasedin memory or in honor of someone for $1. A salad luncheon fordonations will also be held following morning worship on April18.
Happy birthday wishes go out to Mildred Browning, of Brookhaven,and Mary Calhoun and Gladys Neal, both of Pleasant Grove UMC.
Thoughts and prayers remain with Marty Beeson and the BubbaThompson, Johnnie Redden, and Rachel Bullock families.
A thought for this week: “The resurrection gives my life meaningand direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what mycircumstances.” -Robert Flatt
Have a great week!
If you have any East Lincoln area news to report, contact JoshuaWilson at jowilms@gmail.com or 601-757-7204.