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Deer season extended

Loyd Star knots series

Published 11:30 am Monday, May 3, 2010

The Loyd Star Hornets captured an 8-4 must-win over the visitingEnterprise-Clarke Bulldogs Friday night to force Game 3 in thebest-of-three series in the opening round of the Class 2A statebaseball playoffs.

Loyd Star (22-7) visits Enterprises-Clarke (16-7) Monday night at 7p.m. for the deciding game in the opening round. Due to Saturday’srain, the third game was postponed.

“We hit the ball better,” said Loyd Star head coach JonathanBreakfield after watching his team limited to just three singles inThursday’s 3-2, lasting inning road loss. “We did what it takes towin. We knew if we could make it to Game Three, we’d have a shot towin the series.”

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Korey Allen (7-2) was the winning pitcher with 7 strikeouts, 3walks and 1 hit batter. Absorbing the loss was Seth Kidd with 1strikeout, 2 walks and 1 hit batter. Working in relief of kid wasMaxwell Harmon with 5 strikeouts, 2 walks and 2 hit batters.

“We couldn’t shake off the long bus ride over,” saidEnterprise-Clarke head coach Jeremy Wilkins. “We couldn’t getthings going. Loyd Star hit the ball well. They executed early andwe couldn’t catch up.”

Enterprise-Clarke took a brief 1-0 lead in the top of the firstinning.

Loyd Star exploded for four runs to take a 4-1 lead. Marquis Hayeswas hit by a pitch. Tyler Case walked. With one out, Cody Smithsingled to score Hayes and tie it 1-1. Travis Keene hit a 2-RBIsingle to give the Hornets a 3-1 lead. Corey Funk followed with aRBI single and pushed the lead to 4-1.

Loyd Star outscored Enterprise-Clarke 4-3 down the stretch for thewin.

Powering the Hornets with 2 singles each were Keene and Smith.Singling were T.J. Floyd, Allen and Dustin Treadway.

Maxwell Harmon singled twice for the Bulldogs. Ethan Howell andTyler Copeland doubled. Singling was Tyler Hagwood.