Loyd Star athletes earn awards

Published 6:50 pm Thursday, May 20, 2010

Loyd Star recognized and honored athletes in 11 sports during a4-hour, Wednesday night marathon awards banquet at the LincolnCounty Civic Center. Approximately 400 students, fans, parents andfriends of the Class 2A school attended the event that was cateredby Broma’s Deli.

Loyd Star athletic director Billy Vaughn praised theaccomplishments of each team during the 2009-10 school year. Hesaid 10 of the athletic teams had achieved scholar/athlete GPAstatus established by the Mississippi High School ActivitiesAssociation.

Recognized as Loyd Star’s Scholar/Athletes of the Year wereCarleigh Engels and Carrie Moak who are the school’s valedictorianand salutatorian for the Class of 2010.

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Loyd Star principal Robin Case said the school’s athletes weredisciplined and dedicated on the playing field and in theclassroom. “We see very few of our athletes in the office fordisciplinary reasons.”

Coach Jonathan Breakfield presented the baseball awards. HisHornets advanced to the second round of the state baseballplayoffs. Cody Smith was named team MVP.

In football, Coach Ryan Ross recognized his 10-2 team thatreached the second round of the state playoffs. Linebacker DavidFields and quarterback Joseph Shelby were presented the MostValuable Player awards on defense and offense respectively.

Coach Jan Delaughter presented the fastpitch softball awards andreviewed her team’s quest for a second straight state championshipbut the Lady Hornets lost in the third round. Pitcher BrookeDelaughter was a repeat MVP.

Coach Gene “Moochie” Britt presented boys basketball awards andreflected on Loyd Star’s first state tournament appearance in 38years. The Hornets finished 24-6 and Glenn Thomas was namedMVP.

Coach John “Bobo” Douglas presented the golf awards andrecognized his boys team that finished third in the statetournament. Korey Allen was named MVP and Bailey Hinshaw receivedthe MVP for the girls team that also advanced to state.

Douglas also presented the girls soccer awards. Carrie Moak wasnamed MVP.

Coach Dale Brister presented the boys soccer awards. MVP honorswent to Chris Buie.

Coach Vaughn presented the girls basketball awards. Sophomorecenter Tyrisha Patterson was chosen MVP.

Cheerleader sponsor Clara Freeman praised her squad for theirlong hours of hard work and devotion to duty. Senior Lindi-LaneSmith was named Cheerleader of the Year and Most Dedicated.

In tennis, Coach Heather Watts presented awards to her team thatwas South State runner-up. Josh Dunn was chosen Most Valuable Boyand Courtney Watts was picked Most Valuable Girl.




Brandon Canny, Rookie Of The Year; Dustin Treadway, MostImproved; Leebo Bairfield, Hornet Award; Will-To-Win, T.J. Floyd;Travis Keene, Ricky Smith Coach’s Award; Travis Sorrels, RickySmith Coach’s Award; Korey Allen, Most Outstanding Pitcher; TylerCase, Defensive Player Of The Year; Marquis Hayes, Offensive PlayerOf The Year.


Cody Teekel, Roe Burns Award; Fred Clark, Anthony HendersonAward; Trey Reid, Best Offensive Lineman; Cody Lanham, BestDefensive Lineman; Tradareous Wilson, Best Offensive Back; MarquisHayes, Best Offensive Back; Joseph Shelby, Most Valuable OffensivePlayer; David Fields, Most Valuable Defensive Player; T.J. Floyd,Hornet Award; Anthony Thompson, Most Improved; Taylor Jones,Scholastic Award.


Lauren Norton, Most Improved; Leah Britt, Golden Glove; CarrieMoak, Best Batting Average; Emily Smith, Coach’s Award; SarahFalvey, Coach’s Award; Brooke Delaughter, Most Valuable Player;Emily Smith, Brooke Delaughter, Natalie Keene, Sarah Falvey, CurtisSmith Will-To-Win Award.


Julious Whittaker, Best Free Throw Shooter; Joseph Shelby, BestRebounder; DeAndre Butler, Best Defensive Player; Glenn Thomas,Best Offensive Player; Fred Clark, Best Attitude; JuliousWhittaker, Most Improved; McKinley Hamilton, Mr. Hustle; AdrianNewton, Hornet Award; Keldric Newton, Hornet Award; Caleb Smith,Scholastic Award; Timothy Brown, Most Dedicated; Chase Catchings,Most Dedicated; D’Arius Newton, Most Dedicated; Glenn Thomas, MostValuable Player.


Kaitlyn Terry, Rookie Award; Hallie Rushing, Most Improved;Kaylin Smith, Scholastic Award; Bailey Hinshaw, Most ValuablePlayer.


Sawyer Norton, Rookie Award; Brian Cronin, Most Improved; NateTillman, Scholastic Award. Korey Allen, Most Valuable Player; JesseHughes, William Kyle Award.


Emily Smith, Rookie Award; Jenneast Lofton, Most Improved; DavaBerrong, Most Valuable Midfielder; Ashlan Walker, Most ValuableDefensive Player; Hallie Rushing, Most Valuable Offensive Player,Best All-Around; April Vice, Hornet Award; Carrie Moak, MostValuable Player.


Scott Barras, Rookie Award; Ryan Temple, Most Improved; CoreyCrowe, Most Valuable Midfielder; Josh Dunn, Most Valuable DefensivePlayer; Zach King, Most Valuable Offensive Player; Nate Tillman,Hornet Award; Chris Buie, Most Valuable Player.


Courtney Watts, Most Improved; Leah Britt, Best Attitude,Coach’s Award; Erica Smith, Miss Hustle; Tyrisha Patterson, BestOffensive Player, Most Outstanding Player; Anna Brooks, BestDefensive Player; Natalie Smith, Scholastic Award.


Lindi-Lane Smith, Most Dedicated, Leadership Award, CheerleaderOf The Year, Golden Pom; Carleigh Engels, Scholastic Award; BrookeDelaughter, Most Determined; Shelby Edwards, Most Reliable; JordanWilliams, Most Spirited; Maggie Redd, Rookie Of The Year, MostImproved; Victoria Jones, Best Attitude; Savannah Cox, GoldenPom.


Melody Smith, Scholastic Award; Sam Robinson, Most Improved Boy;Alayna Smith, Most Improved Girl; Garrett Holden-Chance Holden,Most Improved Doubles; Carly Smith, Coach’s Award; Erica Smith,Hornet Award; Most Valuable Doubles Team, Spencer Hudson-SawyerHudson; Courtney Watts, Most Valuable Girl; Josh Dunn, MostValuable Boy.