East Lincoln

Published 12:09 pm Monday, May 24, 2010

Congratulations are extended to the Class of 2010 graduates!Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church will be honoring JonathanTaylor, who is graduating from Lawrence County High School, tonightat 6 p.m. in the family life center. The reception will be held inconjunction with the fellowship supper.

Harmony Baptist Church will also be recognizing graduate BethHedden, of Brookhaven High School, today. Graduates, the community,your families and friends, and your church families are behind youone hundred percent. Good luck to you both in your future endeavorsand your lives following high school.

Harmony’s congregation will be holding their Memorial Dayfellowship and celebration next Sunday at 5 p.m. at the home ofNick Davis, the church’s music leader, in the Heuck’s Retreatcommunity. It will be a fun time, with fellowship, a fish fry,swimming, and other fun activities available.

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Several area residents recently attended and enjoyed BrookhavenLittle Theatre’s production of “Joseph and the Amazing TechnicolorDream Coat” at the Haven Theater in Brookhaven. The cast put on anamazing performance that won them numerous rounds of applause andthe adoration of the many who attended.

With the arrival of the summer months comes the time for VacationBible School. Pleasant Grove will be holding its annual one-day VBSon June 5 from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Children from age 3 until thesixth grade are invited to attend and learn about the life ofJoseph and his rise from prison to palace. A nursery will also beprovided. This year’s director is Marilyn Wilson.

Pleasant Grove is also starting a new walking program this summer.If you are interested in participating in the “Health Walk,” stopby the church on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 6 p.m.with your walking shoes and join church members and area residents.The church grounds are a beautiful place to walk, clear your mind,meditate and get healthy!

The Fair Oak Springs School Reunion will be held on June 5 startingat 9:30 a.m. at the Woodmen of the World building on IndustrialPark Road in Brookhaven. The classes of 1940, 1950 and 1960 will behonored. The reunion will commemorate the 50th year since theschool closed and will also celebrate the historical marker thatwas placed at the school site on Feb. 18.

The school served many students in the Fair River, Oak Grove andBig Springs communities for 33 years before it became the victim ofschool consolidation in 1960. Even though it has been 50 yearssince the school closed, alumni remain active in preserving itshistory. They ask for former students and friends to attend thereunion and enjoy the food, fellowship and fun of the day.

Happy birthday wishes go out to Larry Butler, Brooks Burt andVoncile Benoit.

A thought for this week: “Character is like a tree and reputationlike its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is thereal thing.” – Abraham Lincoln

Have a great week!

If you have any East Lincoln area news to report, contact JoshuaWilson at jowilms@gmail.com or 601-757-7204.