Paul S. Ramsey
Published 6:33 pm Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Paul S. Ramsey, 78, of Pricedale, died May 22, 2010, at McCombExtended Care and Rehabilitation Facility.
Visitation was 5 until 9 p.m. on Tuesday, May 25, at CatchingsFuneral Home, McComb. Funeral service was Wednesday, May 26, 2010,at 10 a.m. at Calvary Baptist Church in Pricedale, with the Rev.Ron West officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.
Mr. Ramsey was born July 22,1931, in Pike County, to Kate CochranRamsey and Wallace Ramsey.
He served in the United States Army for three years, serving twotours in Korea. He retired from the United States Air Force afterserving for 21 years. He served at MacDill Air Force Base inFlorida, Myrtle Beach Air Force Base in South Carolina, Payne FieldAir Force Base in Washington, Hamilton Air Force Base inCalifornia, Hawaii Air Force Base, Wichita Air Force Base inKansas, Keesler Air Force Base in Mississippi, and England AirForce Base in Alexander, La. Mr. Ramsey served three tours inVietnam, he also served in Turkey, French Morocco, Italy, Thailand,Philippines, Germany, France and Okinawa as a weapons specialistwhile in the U.S. Air Force.
He lived in McComb much of his life and was a member of CalvaryBaptist Church in Pricedale. He was a devoted husband, father,grandfather, and great-grandfather. He was a wonderful man andfriend to many. He was loved and respected by all who knew him. Heloved his many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Mr. Ramsey was preceded in death by his parents, Wallace Ramsey andKate Ramsey; and two sisters, Estelle Gibbs and Mary Rogers.
Survivors include his wife of 59 years, Peggy Casselberry Ramsey;three sons, Paul “Alvin” Ramsey and wife Elaine Richardson CannonRamsey, of West Lincoln, Glen Ramsey and wife April Hall Ramsey,and Mike Ramsey and wife Louise Ramsey, all of Louisiana; eightgrandchildren, Shannon Ramsey Moak and husband Tony, of Caseyville,Eric Ramsey, of McComb, Renee Richardson Lee and husband Scott ofWest Lincoln, Terri Richardson Jackson and husband Chris, of BogueChitto, Michelé Richardson Whittington of Bogue Chitto, JenniferRamsey of Jayess, John Coats of McComb, Jessie Coats of Jayess, hisnine great-grandchildren, Blake Ramsey, Brycen Moak, Addyson Moak,Whitney Waldrop, Karley Smith, Josh Whittington, Triston Lee, GavinJackson and Spencer Whittington; one niece and nephew David Gibbsand wife Rita of Austin, Texas, and Martha Bills of Chicago, Ill.;one great-niece Jane Bills; and extended family and friends.
Pallbearers were Eric Ramsey, Tony Moak, Blake Boyd, Dan Price,Carroll Moak and Donnie Boyd. Honorary Pallbearers were MartyAlexander, David Alexander, Daniel Alexander, William EarlAlexander, David Gibbs and Scott Lee.