Town getting grant to repair old sewer lines

Published 6:00 pm Sunday, June 13, 2010

Federal funds are flowing to Monticello to help the town withits sewer backup problems, officials said Friday.

The Economic Development Administration has approved a $345,180grant to Monticello to upgrade the town’s wastewaterinfrastructure, U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran announced Friday. The EDAfunds will be matched with local dollars as part of a $690,360project to rehab and replace old and antiquated sewer lines in thetown, said Mayor Dave Nichols.

“We are pleased this project is finally coming to fruition,” saidNichols, adding that town officials have been pursuing it for abouta year.

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The project’s goal is to prevent overflows and backups that occurafter heavy rainstorms and severe weather situations like HurricaneGustav in 2008, said Cochran, R-Miss., in a release. The backupscause hardships to business activities in the area.

“This infusion of funds will help Monticello ensure that basicwastewater services are in place to facilitate business and jobgrowth,” Cochran said.

According to the EDA, the upgrades will complement transportationimprovements connecting Monticello to “nearby economic growthcenters and lead to diversification and growth of the regionaleconomy.” The EDA funds come from money approved by Congress forthe EDA in the FY2010 Commerce, Justice and Science AppropriationsBill.

Nichols said he appreciated the senator’s help with the project.The mayor was hopeful the project can begin within 30 to 45 daysafter grant paperwork and related issues are finalized.

“This project is one more step in providing better services to thecitizens of Monticello,” Nichols said.