BLT Drama Camp begins Monday

Published 8:40 pm Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The adults have had their turn. The teenagers have taken theirshot. Now, it’s time for the little tykes to try.

The 2010 Brookhaven Little Theatre Summer Drama Camp begins Mondaymorning, giving area children in grades one through seven theirannual chance to learn the ways of the stage. The camp will runfrom 9 a.m. until noon on Monday through Friday for the next twoweeks, and will give participating children a chance to learn allaspects of theatre production.

“We keep everybody involved. There’s really no downtime for thechild,” said JoAnna Sproles, chairman of the Save the Havencampaign. “This isn’t a try out and don’t make it scenario. Theytry out and get placed in parts based on what they want and whatthe director sees they would sit will with.”

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Sproles said about 25 children have signed up for the camp so far,but parents have until Monday morning at the latest to registertheir kids. The cost of this year’s camp is $175, and that buys allinstructional and stage time, daily snacks, a DVD of theend-of-camp performance and a full cast photo. Parents enrollingmore than one child are afforded a $50 discount on each additionalchild.

Registration forms may be picked up at the Brookhaven-LincolnCounty Chamber of Commerce, the Brookhaven Recreation Department orthe Lincoln County Public Library. Forms may also be printed fromthe Haven’s website, Completed forms andchecks may be mailed to the address on the form or dropped atBrookhaven Sound and Music Co. by Saturday.

If interested parents miss the boat on registration, Monday morningis the last shot.

“If something should happen and they can’t get the form in themailbox or drop it by Brookhaven Sound and Music by Saturday, theycan bring in their children Monday morning,” Sproles said.

This year’s camp play is “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” written byHans Christian Anderson, who penned several successful children’sstories like “The Little Mermaid” and “The Ugly Duckling.” The playwill be performed twice – on Friday, July 23, and Saturday, July24, at 7 p.m.

Admission to the play is $5. BLT’s season ticket-holders will beadmitted free.

By the time the play is produced, the campers should be wellversed.

“They don’t just come, get up on the stage and practice whileeveryone else is waiting in the audience – they’re actuallyrotating through learning centers,” Sproles said. “There’s arotation for stage work, rotation for arts and crafts, rotation forcounselor time, working on voices and playing theatre games,becoming comfortable with self expression.”

A child’s comfort level is considered when parts are cast, Sprolessaid.

“If a child is a little shy, they want to be on stage but theydon’t want to speak, they get to be onstage without lines to learnand they don’t have to project, because they’re not quite ready,”she said. “Everybody is really happy at the end because everyonehas a part they’re comfortable with. They’re not forced into a partthey’re not ready for.”