Local kennel makes Saint-ly sale
Published 6:26 pm Friday, August 27, 2010
It seems like in southern Mississippi, almost everyone is a NewOrleans Saints fan, especially after their miracle season lastyear.
Carol Gaskins, however, really wasn’t until recently.
Gaskins and her husband David own PureLab Kennels, located onPine Tree Trail in western Lincoln County, where she breedsLabrador retrievers at her home. She said when she got a phone callfrom a particular prospective buyer, she didn’t realize who exactlyshe was talking to.
“When (Saints head coach) Sean (Payton) called I did not knowwho he was,” Gaskins said. “I am not much of a football fan, andI’ve only kept up with college teams like the Florida Gators. Iguess I will be a big fan of the New Orleans Saints now.”
Gaskins grew up in Orlando, Fla., where she started breedinglabs 26 years ago and has raised over 80 litters.
“We purchased our first lab in 1977 when our children weresmall,” she said. “Spot gave us 14 wonderful years. We never forgothis mild temperament, loyalty and desire to constantly follow usaround. We started breeding in 1984 with only two dogs.”
She moved to Lincoln County about three and a half years ago tobe with family.
While most of her buyers are in Florida, Gaskins said she alwayshas a waiting list. Her name came across Payton’s desk when he waslooking for a pet for his family.
“Sean got in touch with a breeder in Covington, La., who did nothave puppies at the time,” she said. “I met that breeder throughBreeders.net online and have been to his house and also to dogshows in the area with him.”
That breeder referred her to the Paytons, who came to Brookhavento pick up their new yellow lab puppy, Champ, just a few weeks ago.She said the Saints’ head man is just as personable as he seems ontelevision.
“Sean was very pleasant, has a big smile and his wife Beth isvery sweet,” Gaskins said.
Apparently they liked Gaskins and their new puppy as much as sheliked them, too.
“I called a few days after they left and Beth said on the wayhome she turned around and looked at their son and he was crying,”Gaskins said. “She said, ‘What’s wrong?’ and his response was,’This is the best day I have ever had.’ Beth said they were alreadymadly in love with Champ.”
All that helped Gaskins develop her own budding love affair withthe New Orleans Saints, too, and it’s fair to say she’s not just abandwagon fan.
“I told Sean I had never been to a pro game before and he said,’You need to come to one,'” she said. “He gave me his personale-mail and said, ‘Get in touch when you are ready.'”
Payton also signed copies of his book, “Home Team,” as well asSaints posters for Gaskins and her family.
“Sean signed posters, copies of his book, and let me take manypictures of him and his family,” Gaskins said. “When he signed hisbook for me he said, ‘Carol thanks for adding another member to ourhome team.'”
The difference between her dogs and others, Gaskins said, isthat most of the dogs in the immediate area are American or BritishLabs, and are thinner and longer, and used for hunting. Her dogsare English yellow and chocolate labs, and they tend to haveshorter noses and are primarily used for showing and pets. She kepta full sister to Champ because of her bloodlines.
“Her mother is a champion and her father is a champion, and hermother only has a few litters left in her,” she said. “It would besilly of me to have these bloodlines and not keep one.”