Enterprise makes offensive history
Published 6:18 pm Thursday, September 16, 2010
When was the last time Enterprise-Lincoln scored 50 points in afootball game….and lost?
Strange as it may sound, the Enterprise Yellow Jackets foundthemselves on the short end of a 76-50 score last Friday night atNatchez Cathedral. That’s a scoreboard-exploding 126 points in onegame.
For the record, the unbeaten Cathedral Green Wave rolled to a39-7 halftime lead and boasted a 59-28 advantage entering thefourth quarter. Cathedral first-year head coach Ron Rushing wascontent to use his reserves after the Wave went up 52-7 early inthe third quarter.
By contrast, Enterprise rookie head coach Josh Garrett wanted towork his team on offense and the opportunity knocked loudly. TheJackets responded and the chain gang fought exhaustion as theymoved the sticks from one end of the field to the other. It was ahot, muggy night in the River City.
Please pass the PowerAde and ice water, too. While some playersstruggled with muscle cramps caused by the heat and humidity, fanswere reaching for muscle relaxers and Advil after watching thisback-and-forth relay race from one end of the gridiron to theother. Like a tennis match, the teams matched volleys.
Most importantly, the young warriors on both teams had a blast.Some day they can tell their grandchildren, “I remember back in2010 when we played at Natchez Cathedral and scored 50 points.”
Speaking of history retired football coach Roe Burns shared someinteresting history on the Enterprise-Bogue Chitto rivalry. Bothschools started their football programs in 1964 and Burns scoredthe first Enterprise touchdown.
Bogue Chitto was a larger school and had better resources backthen. It enabled the Bobcats to have their own field. Enterpriseused BC’s field and the Jackets played a few games on theBrookhaven High School King Field in the first season.
According to Burns, who was a running back and linebacker, theBobcats beat Enterprise 32-13 in their first-ever encounter. TheJackets finished 1-5 in their first season
Enterprise’s only victory in 1964 was over East ColumbiaTraining School. The Jackets won 20-6 and spoiled theirhomecoming.
“Some of those players said they were going to get their knivesand cut us,” Burns recalled. “They had a homecoming queen andcourt, too.”
Burns remembers playing basketball games against East Columbia.”Their bus had bars on the windows.”
Professor Hoopla B.S., was overwhelmed with nostalgia when hedropped off his weekly list of predictions. He was dressed in greenfrom cap to shoes. Chewing a wad of mint-flavored tobacco, Hooplasaid he was going to West Lincoln’s homecoming game and hoping fora victory.
Hoopla predicted the winners of 23 games last week and got 18correct. Special congratulations to the Jackson State Tigers andtheir 2-0 start.
Here’s a preview of this weekend’s winners, starting with twoThursday night community college specials.
Co-Lin at Hinds: A pair of unbeaten andoffensive-minded teams collide in Raymond. Eagles have the edge.Hinds 36-27.
Pearl River at Southwest: Bears put theirperfect record on the line tonight and watch it disappear as theWildcats prevail. Pearl River 24-20.
Central Hinds at Brookhaven Academy: A District4-AA showdown features two high-scoring Cougar teams. BA has themost firepower. Brookhaven 35-20.
Richland at Enterprise: It was offense lastFriday but defense rules the scene tomorrow night on Harry ColeField. Richland 17-7.
Loyd Star at North Pike: Grrrr. These Jaguarsknow how to bite and claw. North Pike 33-14.
Mt. Hermon at West Lincoln: It appears to bethe perfect homecoming opponent for the Bears but it won’t be easy.West Lincoln 8-6.
Sumrall at Wesson: Cobras flex their defensivemuscles and look forward to the homecoming dance. Wesson 24-7.
Vicksburg at Lawrence County: Cougars have lostsome close games in a 1-3 start. They’re overdue to win a squeaker.Lawrence County 21-20.
Taylorsville at Franklin County: Could be thebest game in the area as the Bulldogs ambush the Tartars inMeadville. Franklin County 24-21.
Crystal Springs at Hazlehurst: Tigers haveunlimited potential but they still can’t seem to find the rightcombination after many years of failure. By contrast, the Indiansremain on the warpath. Hazlehurst 42-12.
In other area games, Tylertown over South Pike 39-14 and JacksonPrep over Copiah Academy 45-25. Brookhaven, Bogue Chitto andJefferson County have open dates to prepare for region action.
Kansas at Southern Miss: In a Friday nightspecial, Golden Eagles put points on the scoreboard but they stillhaven’t solved their defensive leaks. Kansas 30-21.
After feasting on a deluxe pizza at the Fox’s Den, Hoopla burpsloudly and scans Saturday’s collegiate scene.
Vanderbilt at Ole Miss: Rebel faithful won’tsee many SEC victories this season so they better enjoy this one.Ole Miss 24-14.
Mississippi State at LSU: Shapes up as an SECstruggle and the Tigers notch their third straight victory. LSU28-17.
Jackson State at Grambling: The Blue Bengalsseem to be on a roll but this SWAC test will be difficult. JacksonState 38-27.
In other Magnolia State action, Alcorn State over Valley State28-7, Mississippi College over Hardin-Simmons 20-14, Millsaps overAustin 22-10 and Belhaven over Lindsey Wilson 26-14.
Write to sports editor Tom Goetz, c/o The DAILY LEADER, P.O.BOX 551, Brookhaven, MS 39602 or e-mailsports@dailyleader.com