Rough weather spares area
Published 9:02 pm Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Local officials reported no damage and few disruptions from apowerful row of thunderstorms that swept across Mississippi lateMonday and early Tuesday.
A cold front pushing through the warm air over SouthwestMississippi caused around 10 hours of thunderstorm and tornadowarnings, with at least two cells showing signs of rotation passingbetween Brookhaven and Wesson during that time span. Tornado sirenssounded in Wesson around 4:45 p.m. Monday as the first cellapproached roughly from Bude through Loyd Star, and Brookhavenresidents were advised to seek shelter just after 1 a.m. Tuesdaywhen a second cell grazed the northwest corner of the city.
Rains were heavy and winds were high, but apparently no twistersever touched down. Law enforcement and emergency officials said nodamage was reported in Copiah, Franklin, Lawrence or Lincolncounties Tuesday morning.
“We had a little bit of wind about 1 a.m., but no damage,” saidLincoln County Sheriff Steve Rushing.
Copiah County Civil Defense Director Randle Drane said a tree thatfell over Highway 51 near Crystal Springs and some pea-sized hailwas the worst his county experienced.
“Nothing formed, or if it did, it stayed up there,” he speculatedabout a possible tornado.
Emergency officials in Lawrence and Franklin counties had almostnothing at all to report from the storm.
“We dodged a bullet,” said Franklin County Civil Defense DirectorMark Thornton.
Area power lines held up well in the winds, too.
“I think we had one little outage on Cedar Street and that was it,”said Kenny Goza, Entergy’s customer accounts manager. “Somethingblew over and hit the line.”
Azalea Knight, Southwest Electric Power Association’s publicrelations director, said her company tallied five outages inLincoln County – three on Pleasant Ridge Road and two onHummingbird Lane.
The brunt of the storm was borne by other parts of the state.
Six people were injured and several structures damaged in AttalaCounty, with similar injuries and damage reported in Monroe County.Homes were damaged and electricity lost in Oktibbeha and Warrencounties, while Yazoo County took another hit with damage to YazooCity’s downtown area and widespread power outages.
Yazoo City was hit especially hard by tornadoes earlier thisApril.