Two arrests made over Friday robbery

Published 9:00 pm Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Brookhaven police have two suspects in custody and are lookingto welcome a third and fourth in connection with a pair ofrobberies committed over the last four days.

Brookhaven Police Chief Pap Henderson said Johnny T. Potts, 16,of 511 Independence St., faces charges of armed robbery forallegedly holding up a local merchant who was attempting to makethe daily deposit drop at State Bank’s Brookway Boulevard locationFriday night. Potts reportedly approached the unidentified localbusinessman with what appeared to be an automatic weapon, demandingthe moneybag and car keys and fleeing on foot, Henderson said.

“It wasn’t a gun – it was a BB pistol. He had a stocking cap inhis pocket and we found the mask down the street,” Hendersonsaid.

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Arrested alongside Potts was 19-year-old Deaunte T. Humphrey, of419.5 North Fifth St. He’s charged with conspiracy to commit armedrobbery. Both suspects are being held in the Lincoln CountyJail.

Henderson said a third juvenile suspect was not arrested.

Even though Potts allegedly used a relatively harmless BB gunduring the robbery, it’s the thought that counts, Henderson said.He’ll still face charges of armed robbery, a felony which carries apenalty of anywhere from three years to life imprisonment.

“They didn’t know it was a BB pistol,” Henderson said.

Potts’ attire during the alleged robbery – all black with ablack mask – matches the description of a suspect wanted for thearmed robbery of the C Store at 714 East Monticello St. onSaturday, Nov. 13. The suspect during the stickup two weeks ago wasdescribed as 5’9 and of a slender build.

It is unclear if Potts will become a suspect in that robbery aswell, Henderson said.

“We’re working on that right now,” he said.

Police are also working to uncover the identity of a young blackmale who became a criminal opportunist early Tuesday morning whenthe chance for an easy robbery presented itself.

Henderson said a suspect entered the Cajun Connectionsrestaurant around 7:30 a.m. Tuesday and fled with a moneybag thathad been left on the table by an opening shift employee.

“A black male came in and asked him if they served breakfast. Heforgot he left the moneybag out there, and when he came back theblack male had grabbed the moneybag and left out,” he said. “Idon’t know if it was planned or just an opportunity.”

Henderson said police are looking for a small gold-colored car -possibly a Honda or Accura – that sped away westward on UnionStreet Extension. A white male suspect was also in the car,Henderson said.

The incident is still under investigation, Henderson said.