Bridwell bags MVP honor
Published 7:40 pm Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Shortstop Erica Bridwell was named Most Valuable Player onBrookhaven’s slowpitch softball team Tuesday night during theschool’s awards banquet. Bridwell, a junior, sparkled on offenseand defense, helping the Lady Panthers to a 21-10 record and theSouth State 5A finals.
Ole Brook head coach Lisa Covington welcomed the large crowd to thebanquet that was held at Polk’s Steakhouse. She thanked the teammembers, parents and fans for their efforts during the successfulcampaign.
Covington, in her 19th year at the helm, said she has coached 531slowpitch games at BHS. She thanked the softball booster clubofficers for their efforts. Officers are president Beth DeLaughter,vice president Eric Hosick and treasurer Mona Bridwell.
The booster club presented each team member with a monogrammed bookbag.
“Our girls were a lot more experienced this year,” said Covington.”They got a taste of the state championship finals last year andwanted some more.”
The Lady Panthers feel just short of their goal as they lost abest-of-three series to Picayune in the South State finals.
“We ran the bases better this year,” said Covington. Her teamdefeated West Jones and St. Martin in the playoffs before fallingto Picayune.
“Whatever it takes,” was the team motto this season. Assistantcoach Mandy Vinson provided the team with blue braceletsproclaiming that fact.
Covington, who has four daughters, thanked her assistant coachesfor their efforts during the campaign. They include Vinson, MeganCase and Chad Walker. They were given autographed softballs.
Two of Covington’s players, Bridwell and Christen Benson, werenamed to the MAC’s All-State 5A team. Receiving all-region honorswere Bridwell, Benson, Brooke Hosick, Madeline DeLaughter, EmilyFreeman and Sarah Ayers.
“Erica worked hard in all aspects of the game,” said Covington.”She learned to hit to all the holes.”
Ayers and DeLaughter were named permanent team captains. DeLaughterwas recognized as a 3-year lettermen.
The Scholastic and Defensive Awards went to Ayers. Benson batted.494 and received the Offensive Award.
Seventh grader Taylor Murray was recognized as Rookie of the Year.Freeman was Most Improved and Erica Lenoir received the HustleAward.