Boone awaiting court action on judge complaint
Published 7:00 pm Thursday, January 13, 2011
The state’s highest court has yet to review a charge of judicialmisconduct levied six months ago against a local justice who isseeking re-election this year.
The Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance’s case againstLincoln County Justice Court Judge Ralph Boone was submitted to theMississippi Supreme Court without oral arguments on Nov. 8 lastyear and is now awaiting action.
The court’s docket for the first sitting of 2011, ending March 4,does not list 2010-JP-01082-SCT, but since the case will notrequire an oral argument the court may take it up at any time. Thecourt’s decisions are handed down every Thursday afternoon and maybe viewed online at
The Commission on Judicial Performance is recommending Boone beremoved from the bench for allegedly offering to drop publicdrunkenness fines against a female defendant in exchange for sexualfavors. Following the alleged incident, the woman in the case wenton to file a complaint against the judge with the Lincoln CountyDistrict Attorney’s Office.
Boone continues to serve as Post One justice court judge andqualified to run for re-election on Jan. 4, the opening day ofqualifying. He denies the case against him.
“I just got caught up in a bunch of junk,” he said. “It’s her wordagainst mine. She jumped in the car and all we did was make theblock, and there wasn’t any talk about anything sexual.”
Calls to Boone’s attorney, Wayne Dowdy, were not immediatelyreturned.
The race for the county’s two justice court judge positions hasbeen slow since qualifying began, with Boone the only candidate toturn in the paperwork. But the judge picked up his first opponentWednesday in Lincoln County Sheriff’s Deputy Charles Ralph Smith,Jr., a former constable and 40-year law officer.
“I feel like I can bring some more expertise to this position,”Smith said. “I’ve seen the system and I think I can improve onit.”