Third week sees slowdown in new candidate sign up
Published 7:00 pm Sunday, January 23, 2011
The race for elected office in Lincoln County took a step backin the third week of qualifying, with no additional candidatessigning up and one withdrawing his name for consideration.
Robbie Douglas, who had qualified to run for Lincoln County sheriffas a Democrat, withdrew his name on Thursday, leaving incumbentSheriff Steve Rushing alone on the list. Douglas said he withdrewfrom the race because of a conflict with his job.
“It’s something personally I had to do,” he said.
Douglas’ withdrawal brings the list of county and districtcandidates back down to 25 and makes it identical to last week’sDemocrat-heavy list.
Candidates are still paying the most attention to the office ofLincoln County supervisors, with nine people running for those fiveseats. District Two incumbent Bobby Watts is facing challenges fromDon Smith and Jimmy Diamond, while District Five incumbent GaryWalker is running against Benjie J. Smith and Dudley Nations.
District One Supervisor the Rev. Jerry Wilson, District ThreeSupervisor Nolan Williamson and District Four Supervisor Doug Moakare running unopposed so far.
Justice Court Judge Ralph Boone is being challenged by sheriff’sdeputy Charles Ralph Smith Jr. and retired Brookhaven policeman JoePortrey in Post One, while retired highway patrolman Carl Brown andRoger Martin are competing for Post Two.
Lincoln County Constable Lavon Boyd is running for his seat in PostOne against Kirby Ebbers and corrections officer Troy Floyd, whilePost Two constable Kelly Porter is facing Bruce Smith.
Brookhaven City Clerk Mike Jinks, the only Republican to qualify,is running for Lincoln County Tax Assessor/Collector against10-year tax office employee April Byrd Williford.
Sheriff Steve Rushing continues to run unopposed, as does LincolnCounty School District Superintendent Terry Brister and LincolnCounty Coroner Clay McMorris.
On the district and statewide scale, no one – including incumbents- has qualified for Lincoln County’s two seats in the state Houseof Representatives or its single seat in the state Senate.
Incumbent District Attorney Dee Bates remains the only candidatequalified to run for his seat in District 14.