Warren, Huff reign at Charity Ball

Published 7:00 pm Sunday, February 27, 2011

The members and guests of Krewe of Ceres 44th Annual CharityBall were transported to a magical evening in New York CitySaturday night. The highlight of the evening was the presentationof the Charity Ball Court, including the naming of the 2011 kingand queen, Paul Kenneth Warren and Rebecca Elizabeth Huff.

As guests arrived at the Lincoln Civic Center they entered thecity through the front doors of “Tiffany & Co.” The foyer,transformed into the store Tiffany’s, revealed the 2011 theme of”Breakfast at Tiffany’s.” The store was complete with a jewelrycase filled with diamonds and pearls.

Entering the grand ballroom, guests were welcomed by thespectacular view of a twinkling New York skyline. A chandelierdripping with crystals was suspended from the center of theballroom. Guests’ tables were adorned with the Tiffany blue silkpin-tuck table toppers. Each table was embellished with anarrangement of white wrapped in luminous silver silk organza,highlighted with the glow of votive candles.

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The evening New York skyline was the backdrop for thepresentation stage. Either side of the stage was flanked with largearrangements of white flowers including several varieties of whiteroses, white hydrangeas and white gladiolas. The arrangements wereaccented with bursts of green from belles of Ireland and greengladioli. Arrangements were brought to life by the lustrous lightof the silver willow twigs.

The L-shaped buffet tables were a vision of beauty with avariety of delicious menu items and tri-level arrangements of whiteflowers atop the Tiffany blue silk pin-tuck table toppers.

Paul Kenneth Warren

Paul Kenneth Warren was born in 1937 in Brookhaven, to Floyd andAlice Smith Warren. He attended Loyd Star School for 10 years andtransferred to Brookhaven High School, where he graduated in 1955.At Brookhaven High School, he was a member of the baseball andbasketball teams.

Following high school, he attended Copiah-Lincoln CommunityCollege and the University of Southern Mississippi, where hegraduated with a degree in Industrial Arts Education in August1959.

In 1959 Warren accepted a teaching position at Brookhaven HighSchool teaching shop, drafting and eighth-grade math. Later he wastransferred to the new Industrial Arts Building to be theIndustrial Arts Instructor.

In 1969 Warren was promoted to Director of Transportation withthe Brookhaven Public School District. During his tenure withBrookhaven High School Warren served as assistant baseball coach.He was affectionately called “Pops” by all of his ball players whocontinue to address him by that nickname when they see himtoday.

After 30 years with the school system, he retired and for thenext eight years served as Lincoln County Justice Court Judge.

Warren is a longtime member of the First Baptist Church, wherehe is a Lifetime Deacon. He presently serves on the PropertiesCommittee and, though he has been involved with many othercommittees of his church, his favorite activity has been working onnumerous mission endeavors and especially making mission trips withhis fellow church members. He is a member of the LLL Club of theFirst Baptist Church.

For the past 40 years Warren has been an active member of theBrookhaven Exchange Club, where he has served as fair chairman andpresident. He is presently a member of the board of directors and apast recipient of the John L. Leary Award.

Warren is presently serving on the board of directors of thearea Southwest Mental Health Association.

In 1958 Warren married Patsy Beck Warren and they are theparents of four children. Their sons are Kenneth Scott Warren, PaulBrooks Warren and Floyd Beck Warren. Their daughter is JodyElizabeth Warren Hoff.

The Warrens have six grandsons, Kern Hoff, Peyton Warren, MasonWarren, Elliott Warren, Bailey Warren and Fisher Warren. Theirgranddaughters are Kensy Hoff, Kay Hoff, Lydia Warren, MadisonWarren, Sarah Rice Warren and Anne Brantley Warren.

The Krewe of Ceres Charity Ball is a special event to the Warrenfamily. Their daughter-in-law, Amanda Warren, is a past queen, twosons have served as escorts and six grandchildren have served inthe court.

Warren considers it a privilege and an honor to serve as theking of the 2011 Charity Ball and thanks the Krewe for all thewonderful work they do in Brookhaven and Lincoln County.

Rebecca Elizabeth Huff

Rebecca Elizabeth Huff is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MartinVan Cooley, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter William Huff. She is thegranddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pickens Brady Jr., Dr. andMrs. Walter Earl Huff, and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Van Cooley.

Huff attends the University of Mississippi and will receive herbachelor’s degree in Communicative Sciences and Disorders upongraduation this May. Following graduation, Elizabeth plans toexpand her education toward a master’s degree in CommunicativeSciences and Disorders to become a speech pathologist, specializingin children with spectrum disorders (autism).

Huff was an honor graduate of Brookhaven High School, where shewas actively involved in a variety of things. She was a member ofthe National Honor Society during years, 2004, 2005 and 2006.

Huff enjoys the stage and has held many leading roles and as asolo vocalist.

She performed in the Brookhaven Little Theatre production of”Grease” as “Rizzo” in 2006. She was the Ole Brook talent winnersinging Patsy Cline’s “Crazy” and Lions Club winner in 2004. Shewas also a member in the girl’s ensemble of First Baptist Church in2005, 2006 and 2007.

Huff was chosen as Miss Teen Southwest, where she was awardedfirst in the interview, poise, talent categories along with winningMiss Congeniality 2004. She placed in the top 10 in the Miss TeenMagnolia State pageant along with being awarded as the MissCongeniality Magnolia State winner in 2004. She was also chosensecond alternate in Lincoln County’s Junior Miss pageant, alongwith the Beth Finch Award in 2005.

She also participated in the Homecoming production as a dancerand soloist in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006. She was a Homecoming maidin 2004, 2005 and 2006. She was in The National Honor Society in2004, 2005 and 2006. She was in the Mississippi Scholars Program in2004, 2005 and 2006 and placed first in Brookhaven’s Book Faircompetition before being awarded second place in the regionalcontest in 2006.

Huff was selected to sing the Brookhaven High School Alma Materwith a girls ensemble at her graduation.

She entered the University of Mississippi in the School ofLiberal Arts in the fall of 2006. For the duration of her time atOle Miss she has received a number of academic honors, such asNational Collegiate Honor Society; Magna Cum Laude 2007; The SumnerLeadership Scholarship 2006; Chancellor’s Honor Roll 2007 andDean’s List 2008, 2009, 2010; National Society of Leadership; TheNational Student Speech, Language and Hearing Association; and theFrench Honor Club.

Huff was awarded the Chautauqua Scholarship where she spent asummer in New York at the Chautauqua Institute studying in manyareas of the liberal arts. Huff is a member of numerousorganizations such as Delta Delta Delta sorority, Chi Chapter2006-2010; The Debutante Club of Mississippi, The Internationalorder of Kings Daughters and Sons and The Daughters of the AmericanRevolution. She attends Faith Presbyterian Church in Brookhaven andCollege Hill Presbyterian in Oxford.

She was elected Kappa Sigma Sweetheart in 2007 and as the OleMiss Men’s Lacrosse assistant manager in 2007-08. She alsorepresented her chapter as her sorority’s Diamond Doll for theAngel Ranch Foundation in 2007. She was in the Delta Delta Deltadance team for Derby Day in 2008 and served as a featured soloistand dancer for recruitment in 2009. She is now a member of the TriDelta Alumni Association as of this year. She was in the Parade ofBeauties where she made top 25 out of 90 contestants in 2010.

Huff has been a passionate volunteer for Hospice, Hope forAfrica, Angel Ranch, St. Jude and promoting breast cancerawareness. She participated in the Ole Miss Greek fundraiser forBlair Batson Hospital and has walked in the C.A.R.E. walk for thepast five years. She participated in The University of MississippiLibraries and Leadership training for sorority’s andfraternities.

She contributed to the Carson Pitcock Scholarship 2006-2010 andalso partakes in annual activities in the Speech, Language andHearing Department of Oxford and surrounding counties.

She is currently serving as Lincoln County’s Miss Hospitalitywhere Lincoln County and the surrounding counties bought $7,500worth of ads supporting the Miss Hospitality State Pageant inHuff’s behalf. During her reign she has visited the Veterans ofColumbia, Mississippi to honor them. Huff recently donated teninches of hair to the Beautiful Lengths Foundation in honor heraunt Susan Smith Brady and dear friend Maggie May Cupit.

Huff’s family has been historically involved in the Krewe ofCeres Charity Ball as she is the granddaughter of former King TomBrady Jr. She is also the niece of former Queen Annabelle BradyCovington, the great-niece of former King Tullius Brady, the nieceof former Escort T. Pickens Brady III, and daughter to former aideand maid, Amanda (Amy) Brady Cooley. She also served as an aide tothe queen 1999, and maid in 2008.

Since 1978, the Krewe of Ceres has raised and donated over$178,000 to this community and various charities.