Candidate fields determined in area counties
Published 7:00 pm Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Counties surrounding Lincoln County saw residents make a maddash to qualify before the 5 p.m. deadline Tuesday.
There have been 39 total additions to those looking for election tocounty seats in 2012 in Lawrence, Franklin and Copiah County. Thefinal qualifying lists in areas surrounding Lincoln County have 120total contenders seeking county offices.
Lawrence County saw the most action in the surrounding areas sincelate February with the addition of 18 new candidates. With 51candidates, Lawrence County also has the most qualified candidatesamong areas surrounding Lincoln County.
District Three Supervisor Jerry Wayne Smithie will square offagainst the most candidates in Lawrence County for one office, withthe highly contested race that now including Wilmer Fuller, KeithBeard, Farris Wendell Alexander and Calvin Rutland. Also seekingthe title of District Three supervisor are Phillip M. Wells, BruceDelaughter and Kenneth D. Platt.
The county seats of Justice Court Judge Post One and superintendentof education each saw the addition of three new candidates. CharlieJones, Thomas “Tommy” Hubert Rutland and William C. Barton “Jimbo”are the newest additions who look to become Post One Justice CourtJudge. The newest candidates for superintendent of educationinclude Charles R. Caudill, Amos D. Bridges and Dr. OneidaSibley-Butler.
The positions of constable Post Two and sheriff each saw theadditions of two new candidates. Aaron “Curly” Thompson and HeatherSistrunk Barton have recently qualified for constable Post Two.Willie Collins and Jacob Evans Jr. have added their names to thelist of those looking to be the next sheriff.
Multiple county seats saw the addition of one more candidate. Ben”Tony” Johnson has qualified for Post One constable, Ricky A.McGuffee has qualified for District One supervisor, Joseph “Joe”Evans has qualified for District Two supervisor and Greg Sutton hasqualified for District Five supervisor.
Chancery Clerk Kevin Rayborn, Circuit Clerk James “Sandy” Brister,County Coroner Sidney Fortenberry, County Surveyor Monty E. Sandersand Tax Collector/Assessor Sherry Hyde Thames are runningunopposed.
Copiah County has seen 13 new residents qualify for county seatsand one drop out since late February. Copiah County will see 37qualified candidates beat the campaign trail in the months tocome.
Sheriff will be the most contested race in Copiah County with fivetotal qualified candidates. John R. Goza and James Jefferson Jr.are the newest qualified candidates for sheriff.
The office of Post One Justice Court judge saw the most to qualifysince late February. Post One Justice Court Judge Lillie V.McKenzie will take on challengers Shirley Ann “Bea” Sandifer, PaulAnthony Rhodes and Albert Sterling Tate.
Eight county seats saw the addition of one more candidate includingEddie Stanley Virgil for chancery clerk, Gloria Sandifer forcircuit clerk, Roy Smitty Smith for District One supervisor, FrankAndre Shannon Jones for District Three supervisor, Dwayne Thompsonfor District Five supervisor, Pamela T. Jefferson for Post TwoJustice Court judge, Paul Stewart for Post One constable and StevenK. Foote for Post Two constable.
Post Two constable remains a highly contested race with four totalqualified candidates despite James H. Whittington dropping out ofthe race.
Tax Assessor Todd Mooney, Tax Collector April S. Holloway,Superintendent of Education Rickey Clopton, County Attorney EliseB. Munn, District Two Supervisor Terry Channell and District FourSupervisor Kenneth Ray Powell will be running unopposed.
After the addition of eight new qualified candidates in FranklinCounty, the county west of Lincoln County has 32 totalcandidates.
The addition of Ronald Hunt makes the county seat of District Onesupervisor the most-contested in Franklin County. There will befive jockeying for the county seat.
Two offices saw the addition of two more candidates. Joseph Cothrenand David Shell have qualified for sheriff and Sherri Terrell Combsand Rickey Van O’Quinn have qualified for District One JusticeCourt judge.
In addition to District One supervisor, three more county seats seethe addition of one more candidate. Vanessa Hunt Bolin hasqualified for circuit clerk, Mike Guice has qualified forsuperintendent of education and W. Dennis Calcote has qualified forDistrict Four supervisor.
Chancery Clerk Jill Jordan Gilbert, Tax Assessor/Collector ThomasJ. “Jeff” Mullins IV, Coroner Percy J. Peeler, District TwoSupervisor Chad Smith, District Three Supervisor George Collins,District One Constable Charles E. Brown and District Two ConstableTommy A. Myers are running unopposed.