‘Showering’ For A Good Cause
Published 7:00 pm Thursday, March 3, 2011
She was not sure what was on the way to her house Wednesdayafternoon, but she knew since it was going to help the youth in herchurch she could not refuse. It stuck out like a sore thumb in herfront yard and the round spectacle drew glances from those whopassed by eager to get a closer look.
Betty Davis, 40-year member of Pleasant Grove United MethodistChurch, and her home on Charles Street had been showered.
“If anyone wants it next, I’ll gladly send it to them,” saidDavis.
In an effort to raise enough money to pay for an upcoming trip’sexpenses, the youth group at Pleasant Grove United Methodist Churchhas been delivering their homemade shower around Brookhaven.
“Some of the kids were calling it the ‘Redneck Shower,'” jokedAmanda Taylor.
The shower sits in an unexpecting recipient’s yard until theyinvestigate the matter further to find contact information to haulthe shower away. They also find out that for $25 they can have thetub delivered to another yard of their choosing.
“It was a way we could get more than just our church membersinvolved,” said Taylor. “It’s not limited to just our churchfamily.”
The youth group is attempting to raise enough money to covergas, food and the final expenses of their trip to send 17 members,in grades seventh through 12th, and four chaperons to Student LifeCamp in Orange Beach, Al.
“It’s kind of like a youth rally,” said Taylor.
The camp, which is from June 24 through June 27, is aChrist-centered convention featuring devotion leaders, worshipthrough music, Bible study and other activities for seventh-through 12th-graders.
“We just want to try and reach more of them spiritually,” saidTaylor. “It’s an experience they really need too.”
The youth group has been conducting their fundraiser for about aweek. After unloading and hauling the shower away from roughly 10houses, the organization has already gathered about $300. The campwill cost the youth group about $6,000 for registration andlodging.
“It would be nice to raise $1,000,” said Taylor.
The youth group members have already raised nearly $5,000 byholding a silent auction, auctioning off a few picnic tables theyouth group built, hosting a haunted hay ride and other activitiesat their fall festival in November at the church.
“That’s the most we’ve ever made off a youth function,” saidTaylor. “We did pretty good with that.”
Taylor hopes the shower fundraiser rains down enough charityfrom Brookhaven’s community to allow the church’s youth to make thetrip to camp an annual event and to help provide for futureactivities.
“There are a lot of kids that need to be a member of some kindof youth group,” said Taylor. “We want to try to get as many as wecan to join the youth group and just get involved in church.”