Garden event in bloom Saturday
Published 6:00 pm Friday, April 15, 2011
The Lincoln County Master Gardeners’ Spring GardeningExtravaganza will be attracting neighborhood plant enthusiasts andthose itching to gain a green thumb to Railroad Park Saturday.
When the tire dust settles from the Mississippi Gran PrixFriday, the extravaganza promises to have something for everyone.The park will be overgrown with roughly 20 vendors showcasing yardart, plants, stained art, lawn furniture and much more from 9 a.m.until 4 p.m.
“They’ll be selling everything plant and outdoor livingrelated,” said Mississippi State University Extension DirectorRebecca Bates.
In addition to shopping under the massive trees in Railroad Parkand enjoying a stroll among the sights of downtown, MasterGardeners are excited about giving visitors to the event a chanceto listen to several guest speakers.
Mississippi State University horticulture specialist Dr. LeliaKelly and Dr. Gary Bachman, host of Southern Gardening TV, and willlead educational seminars at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. respectively inthe Brookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce.
“They are so entertaining and they love what they do so much,”said Lincoln County Master Gardener President Barbara Breaux. “Youwill thoroughly enjoy their talk whether you’re interested ingardening or not.”
Also on hand will be MSU plant pathologist Dr. David Ingram. ThePlant Doctor will assist gardeners with ways to heal vegetation andflowers of what is ailing them. Ingram will also be on hand to testpH levels for those that bring a soil sample.
“We really encourage anyone that has something wrong with theirplants or has any questions about diseases or insects to bring themby,” said Master Gardener Homer Richardson.
Children will also be given a chance to get their hands dirty atthis year’s extravaganza. From 10 a.m. until noon, Master Gardenerswill assist children in potting plants.
“They can take it home and watch it grow,” said Breaux. “We’retrying to entice future Master Gardeners.”
Lincoln County Master Gardeners play a vital role in keepingBrookhaven blooming throughout the year.
They began keeping the area beautiful roughly 10 years ago byplanting more than 10 trees around the Lincoln-Lawrence-FranklinRegional Library. More recently, the civic-minded gardeners haveplanted some shrubbery surrounding the Lincoln County Historicaland Genealogical Museum and B’nai Sholom Jewish HeritageMuseum.
“It’s not that big of a fundraiser for us, but it is a way forus to let people know who Master Gardeners are and what they do forBrookhaven,” said Breaux.
To raise money for future projects, Master Gardeners will betrading in shovels for spatulas and selling hamburgers, drinks andhomemade ice cream.
As long as the sun shines bright, the event promises to beanother great addition to an eventful weekend in Lincoln County.Gardeners are encouraging everyone to get out and enjoy thedowntown scenery under the shade of Railroad Park.
“People love to come shop and because it is so close to parkingyou can pick up whatever you like take it back to your car and dosome more shopping,” said Breaux. “After you visit the vendors,there’s always downtown Brookhaven to go shopping in.”