Smiths coaching softball all-stars
Published 6:00 pm Thursday, June 9, 2011
Franklin County’s Dana Smith has an ace up her sleeve. Herhusband, Mickey, will help her coach the South Class 1A/2A/3Afastpitch softball team in Saturday’s Mississippi Association ofCoaches All-Star Softball Game. Action begins at 10 a.m., on MackFanning Field at Newton County in Decatur.
The coaches and all-stars reported at noon today.
“It will be interesting and we are looking forward to it,” saidDana Smith. “I’ve been in contact with all the players.”
She is familiar with several of the players from this area. BogueChitto’s Toy Smith, Josie Porter and Bradi Davis are playing forher South team, along with Karla Beth Hux and Chynna Coghlan ofEnterprise-Lincoln and Allison Hauer of Franklin County.
“We have seen a lot of the Bogue Chitto and Enterprise girls,” saidSmith. We have seen them a long time.”
Slowpitch all-star games will be played Friday, stating at 5:30with the 1A/2A/3A contest on Fanny Field. On the South roster areDarcy Miller of Bogue Chitto, Karli Herrington of West Lincoln andKenyatta Hunt of Franklin County. Coaching the South are Ryan Hodgeand Morgan Lott of Seminary. Hodge recently accepted a coaching jobat Gulfport.
The 4A/5A/6A game will immediately follow the 1A/2A/3Acontest.
Dana Smith has been coaching at Franklin County for seven years.She has been coaching with her husband for the last fiveyears.
Asked about their marriage/coaching relationship, Dana said, “Ithas its ups and downs. We share the ups and downs. We communicatewell. We have a good working relationships.
Dana Smith graduated from Wesson in 1989. She played one year ofsoftball at Co-Lin for Coach Gwyn Young. She graduated at from USMin 1989.
Her daughter, Britnee Smith, will be coaching at Seminary,fastpitch and slowpitch. Seminary will be in the same 3A districtwith Franklin County.
Smith’s younger daughter, Kacey Smith, will be a sophomoreshortstop at Co-Lin.
This is the 25th MAC slowpitch series and the 10th fastpitchshowcase.