Graduation culmination of long school journey
Published 6:00 pm Friday, June 17, 2011
Today, The DAILY LEADER continues its publication ofvaledictorian and salutatorian speeches from the Class of 2011.Today’s address is from Josie Claire Porter, Bogue ChittoAttendance Center salutatorian.
Tonight we are honored that you are able to join us in thecelebration of a job well done by the Class of 2011. We have waitedfor this moment for 12 long years.
The majority of us have been together since kindergarten; wehave gained some and lost some. We have made a great number offriendships and memories with one another that will last alifetime.
My parents have encouraged me to do my best in everything andare always there for me whatever may come about. Also, I want tothank my coaches for believing in me, pushing me and loving me, andfor that I grew to respect and love them more than they will everknow.
But most of all I give all my praise to God. He has blessed mein so many ways that I will not be able to say thank youenough.
Last, but not least, I thank our teachers for not letting up onus, for pushing us even when we did not think we needed to bepushed, and for not accepting anything less than our very best. Youhave prepared us for the next big step in our lives.
So as salutatorian, and on behalf of the graduating Class of2011, it gives me great pleasure to once again welcome you to thisgraduation celebration.
Josie Claire Porter is the daughter of Tony and AnniePorter.