County schools present new year budget
Published 6:13 pm Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Lincoln County School District leaders presented a $17.9 million2011-12 operational budget, a spending plan that anticipates nolocal tax increase.
The total budget, including special funds and reserves, amountsto around $35 million for next year, said Business Manager CherylShelby. The difference between the overall total and theoperational budget includes more than $8 million for constructionprojects should the board of trustees opt to pursue them nextyear.
“Just because it’s in the budget doesn’t necessarily mean we’regoing to spend it,” Shelby said Monday during a public hearing onthe new year budget that takes effect July 1.
Trustees are expected to give final approval to the new budgetat a special meeting next Tuesday at 4 p.m. in the district’scentral office.
Shelby pointed out that the $3.5 million the districtanticipates from local property taxes next year is down about$3,000 from this year. She emphasized that school leaders continueto take a conservative approach when crafting budgets.
“We estimate our revenues low and our expenditures high, sowe’re always dealing with a worst-case scenario,” Shelby said.
Regarding local property taxes, Shelby said school districts mayautomatically ask for 4 percent more as well as money for any newprograms. When that happens, districts have to publicize the taxincrease with a large advertisement published in the newspaper.
“We didn’t do that, and we’re not asking for any new programs,”Shelby said about the decision to not seek any local revenueincrease next year.
In the area of state funding support, the county school districtis expecting $12.8 million as its allocation from the MississippiAdequate Education Program (MAEP). However, Shelby cautioned thatrecent floods that forced casino closures and other economic issuescould impact revenue collections.
“That’s the best guess we have at this point in time,” Shelbysaid.
Overall, the per-pupil expenditure for each of the district’sexpected 3,005 students is $5,988, according to a budget recap.Shelby pointed out the state average is around $9,000.
“We’re still far below the state average,” said Shelby, addingthat the district’s trend of producing good student results whilemaintaining a low spending is “phenomenal.”
Brookhaven resident Johnny Perkins, the lone member of thepublic at Monday’s hearing, offered high praise for county schoolleaders. Compared to other local entities, he said the countyschool district is the “most efficient,” producing a good productwhile living within its budget.
“There is a lot of wasted services in other areas, in myopinion,” Perkins said.
Shelby and Superintendent Terry Brister pointed out a lack ofbusinesses as part of the Lincoln County School District’s taxbase.
“Our biggest taxpayers are people …,” Shelby said. “We have tobe very conscientious of how we affect the people of Lincoln Countywhen we raise taxes.”
Thanks to that mindset by administrators and the school board,Brister added that the district has not had to struggle for thelast five to six years. He mentioned that tax levels have beenmaintained, no bond issues have been sought and the district hasbeen able to pay for facility improvements when needed.
“We pay for what we get,” Brister said. “We’re proud ofthat.”