Nettles hails Co-Lin size in board talk
Published 6:00 pm Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The Lincoln County Board of Supervisorsheard the annual report from Copiah-Lincoln Community College, arequest for donations to a children’s center and a fund update fromLincoln County Civil Defense director at their meeting Mondaymorning.
The board heard from Dr. Ronnie Nettles, president ofCopiah-Lincoln Community College, as he presented them with theschool’s annual report.
“We are now larger than three of the state’s universities,” Nettlessaid.
Nettles also explained enrollment has been up 20 percent since hehas been president. Nettles was appointed to the presidency in 2008by the school’s board of trustees.
In addition, Nettles reported the school’s revenue from LincolnCounty for the 2010-11 fiscal year is up about $26,000 from2009-10, an increase of more than 2 percent.
He also touted the student athletes of this year, referring to thefour teams that earned National Junior College Athletic AssociationAcademic Team of the Year honors. Those teams were the men’s andwomen’s tennis teams, and the Lady Wolves softball and soccerteams.
The board then heard a request from Natisha Polk, a representativefrom South Mississippi Children’s Center. Lincoln County hasdonated money in the past to the Hattiesburg-based organization,which helps abused, neglected, runaway and homeless youth ages9-17.
Polk expressed gratitude for past contributions and requested theboard consider another contribution from the county for this year.The board thanked her for coming, but gave no word as to whetheranother donation could be made at this time.
Lastly, the board approved a Mississippi Emergency ManagementAssociation grant received by Lincoln County Civil Defense DirectorClifford Galey. Galey has no specific plans for the grant at thistime.
“It’s a yearly grant that supplements my budget for the 2011 fiscalyear,” Galey said. “It puts money back in my fund for what wespend.”