Strong work ethic key for LCHS Lady Cougars in ’11
Published 6:00 pm Friday, August 5, 2011
Good attitudes, work ethic and unity willbe the team strengths as the Lawrence County Cougars kick off theirseason Aug. 13 in slowpitch softball.
The Lady Cougars will have two seniors providing leadership withErika Watts and Rebekah Smith.
“Our players have very good attitudes and have a strong workethic,” said Lawrence County head coach Courtney Shivers. “Ourpractices are very intense with the atmosphere similar to playoffgames. I am extremely proud of this group of girls.”
Shivers, 31, will be starting her fourth season at the helm. TheLady Cougars looks to improve and rebuild from last season’s 10-8record.
The Cougars have seven returning starters to help in the field: JazThomas at first base, Emily Turnage at second base, Mary KatherineCallendar at third base, Lancey Trott at third base, Kristen Byrdat pitcher, Jillian Johnson at left field and Erika Watts atright-center field.
“Overall, we will be a young team, but we are playing as a familywith a lot of heart,” continued Shivers. “The girls have aconnection with each other. I believe what we lack in experience,we will make it up with hard work.”
Jaz Thomas was among the leaders with a .320 batting average in2010. Kristen Byrd batted .290, Jullian Johnson .250, Erika Watts.260 and Emily Turnage .200.
Lawrence County lost five starters to graduation last year:shortstop Kristen Sauls, first baseman Dalphne Armstrong,left-center fielder Kayla Byrd, third baseman Shelby Mitchell andshortstop Alli Harris.
Shelby Mitchell was selected as The DAILY LEADER’s Most ValuableOffensive Player in the 2010 slowpitch softball season. Mitchellsigned a scholarship to play softball for the Copiah-LincolnCommunity College Lady Wolves. Alli Harris, who missed out on herslowpitch season due to an injury, has signed a scholarship to playfor the Alcorn Lady Braves.
Assisting Shivers with the 24 players on her squad is LawrenceCounty assistant coach is Nevlyn West.
The Lady Cougars’ first home game will be the season opener againstthe Brookhaven Lady Panthers, Aug. 13. The junior varsity game willprecede the varsity game.