Supervisors to seek funding for Bogue Chitto road work
Published 6:00 pm Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The Lincoln County Board of SupervisorsMonday approved county engineer Jeff Dungan applying for a grantfor paving projects in Bogue Chitto and to seek the city ofBrookhaven’s help on bridge matters on Greenview Trail in theLakewood subdivision.
District Three Supervisor Nolan Earl Williamson would have input onhow the money would be spent in Bogue Chitto, Dungan explained.
“You’ll have the say on that,” Dungan told Williamson. “We can getup to $100,000 if we apply.”
Williamson would apply for the grant on behalf of Bogue Chitto, andthe application must be submitted by next Monday. Dungan said thereis an application fee of $500.
The supervisor said the money would most likely be used for paving,opening drainage and moving pipes.
The board also gave approval to Dungan to correct Greenview Trailbridges that are need of repair, according the engineer.
“It’ll be a Local System Bridge Program project,” Dungan said,adding that means funding will come from the state aid roadprogram.
However, because of the project’s location, Dungan said the help ofthe city of Brookhaven would be required to correct the bridges.The board approved Dungan asking the city to assist inright-of-way, utilities and paving.
“We’ll ask the city for about $25,000,” he said.
Dungan also reported at the meeting that the date for bid openingson the countywide road striping project would be no later than thefirst Monday in October.
“That’s the latest date I see us getting bids,” he said. “It shouldhappen sooner than that.”
In other matters, the board approved Lincoln County Sheriff SteveRushing’s request to cover his reserve workers’ compensation.
“The cost per year would be $1,491 per person,” Rushing said.
The board also heard from Lincoln County Tax Appraiser Leon Perry.Perry attended the meeting to make the supervisors aware of the 10complaints the tax office received from taxpayers concerning thecounty’s land rolls submitted earlier this year.
Jim Mangum, planner for the Southwest Mississippi Planning andDevelopment District, approached the board to report he was waitingfor notice to proceed letters on the construction of two homesunder grants from the Mississippi Development Authority. DistrictFour Supervisor Doug Moak had the letters ready for Mangum toproceed with the projects.