Trick-or-treating to be held on Monday
Published 6:00 pm Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Local authorities said they plan forregular Halloween trick-or-treating activities to go off without ahitch Monday evening as many children go door-to-door seekingsweets throughout the community.
“It’ll be business as usual as far as I know for trick-or-treatingon Monday night,” said Lincoln County Sheriff Steve Rushing.”Nothing has changed about it.”
Traditionally, the popular Halloween activity takes place onHalloween night, unless the holiday falls on a Sunday.
Because of some religious beliefs, citizens usually informallyagree to move trick-or-treating from a Sunday evening to either theSaturday before or the following Monday. Last year, Halloween fellon a Sunday, and trick-or-treating was moved up to the previousnight.
Brookhaven Police Chief Pap Henderson said he and his officers areready for Monday night and hope for no real problems to comeup.
“Monday night is trick-or-treating,” Henderson said.
With the holiday falling on a weekday, Henderson said he remindsparents to be mindful of the time, and get their children out ofthe streets at a reasonable hour.
Henderson said he has never put a set time on whentrick-or-treating will start, and he just asked people to usecommon sense when beginning and ending their activities for theevening.
“Usually by 8 or 8:30 (p.m.) the streets are clear,” he said. “Wehope everything goes smoothly, and people enjoy themselves whilebeing safe.”
Wesson officials have also received calls on when trick-or-treatingwill be. Town Clerk Linda Dykes said they follow the sameguidelines as Brookhaven.