Support signs vandalized
Published 4:24 pm Wednesday, November 2, 2011
He found the vandalized signs on Monday,the word “no” spray-painted across the signs.
Kendall Boutwell is a local supporter of Initiative 26 and hasworked to place signs supporting the initiative across Brookhavenand Lincoln County.
As the Nov. 8 election draws nearer, multiple instances ofvandalism have occurred against the signs. The signs support theinitiative that would amend the state constitution to define”persons” to include every human being from the moment offertilization.
On Monday, Boutwell thought only one sign had been spray-painted,one in the yard of the Church of God on West Chickasaw, nearHighway 51.
Throughout the day, though, the number of signs identified asvandalized mounted. These included one at the corner of Highway 51and Highway 550 and two signs at the corner of Monticello Streetand North Railroad Street.
Most signs were spray-painted with the word “no” two or threetimes.
“If they go out and put up a ‘vote no’ sign I’m not going to tearit down,” Boutwell said. “That’s their business. This lets you knowwhat they’ll do to stop us.”
This is the second time Boutwell has seen signs vandalized. Earlyin the month of October, yard signs on Highway 51 were torn andthrown in a dumpster. Several large signs mounted to posts onBrookway Boulevard were cut down.
“They don’t want your message out there,” Boutwell said ofInitiative 26 opponents.
Boutwell has worked to pass the initiative since the beginning. Hewas involved in collecting the signatures that ultimately allowedthe initiative to appear on the ballot. He and other supporters ofthe amendment hope it would end legalized abortion inMississippi.