North Pike duo share MVP

Published 7:00 pm Sunday, November 27, 2011

Pitcher Breanna McKenzie and third basemanCharneissa Gordon of North Pike were vital team members as the LadyJaguar marched to a successful season. At the plate and in thefield, they used their skills on offense and defense to helpdirecte their team to 25 victories in 28 games. They lost to the2-time defending State 4A champions, the Newton County Lady Tigers,in the state quarterfinals.

    For their performance, McKenzie and Gordon have been selectedCo-Most Valuable Players on The DAILY LEADER’s 2011 All-AreaSlowpitch Softball Team.

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    Two more special DAILY LEADER awards went to senior shortstop EricaBridwell of Brookhaven, who was selected Most Valuable DefensivePlayer; and senior left-center fielder McKenzie Rials of Wesson,who was selected Most Valuable Offensive Player.

    Joining them on the All-Area Dream Team are pitchers Kerri McGeheeof Bogue Chitto and Brooke Hosick of Brookhaven.

    The catchers are Christian Black of Bogue Chitto, Jana McEwen ofNorth Pike and Jazmin Thomas of Lawrence County.

    Joining Bridwell and Gordon in the infield are Laura Beth Wright ofBrookhaven Academy, Adrienne Wallace of Bogue Chitto and ChristianWoods of Wesson.

    The Dream Team’s flex players are Si’edriq Middleton of FranklinCounty, Terah Winborne of Brookhaven Academy, Breann Talbert ofMcComb and Macie McQuage of Wesson.

    The extra players are Kierra Collins of Franklin County, RanekaFelder of McComb, Savannah Brister of Brookhaven Academy and EmilyFreeman of Brookhaven.

    Joining Rials in the outfield are Christen Benson of Brookhaven,Marisa Pruski of West Lincoln, Jullian Johnson of Lawrence Countyand Latorya Griffin of Franklin County.

    North Pike coach Sonya Wallace said McKenzie and Gordon wereexceptional athletes on offense and defense.

    “Breanna McKenzie and Charneissa Gordon were among the two playersthat played key roles in our success. Both of them are veryathletic and have Christian-like attitudes. They are solid bothoffensively and defensively.”

    Breanna McKenzie, 5-6 junior right-hander, used her cat-likereflexes on defense to help her become a dominant pitcher for theLady Jaguars. At the plate, she led North Pike with a .609 battingaverage and collected 44 RBIs.

    McKenzie uses an Mizuno glove as an extension of her defensiveskills. At the plate, she prefers to use an Easton bat to smash theball.

    McKenzie had some reflections about her team’s season. “We finallycame together during the season and started to play as a team,”said McKenzie. “I continue to believe that we are going to have outbest season yet.”

     How does McKenzie describeher coach?

    Coach Wallace is a great coach. She has helped me through alot.”

    Coach Wallace had these comments on McKenzie. “Breanna did a reallygood job for us in the pitching circle this year. She has veryquick hands and is a good defensive player. She was our bestoffensive player this season.”

    Charneissa Gordon, 5-7 senior right-hander, is a force at thirdbase for the Lady Jaguars as she got down-and-dirty to denyopponents extra base hits. At the plate, she posted a .541 battingaverage and collected 39 RBIs with her 34-inch Stealth bat.

    Gordon describes her season and team as fun and encouraging. “Ourencouragement for one another helped motivate us to do better.Overall, our season turned out really well with our hard work anddedicated coaches. This was truly the best season that I haveplayed at North Pike.”

    Gordon stated that her coach is hilarious. “Coach Wallace does agreat job motivating us and gets us to smile. She will remind usthat the game is all about having fun.”

    Wallace had some comments about Gordon. “Charneissa is a veryimportant part to our team. She is a team leader on and off thefield. She has very quick hands at third base. She will truly bemissed next year.”

    Erica Bridwell, 5-4 senior right-hander, uses an Easton fieldingglove and has been recognized for her defensive skills. She hasbeen a fixture at shortstop for Brookhaven, batting .351 andcollecting 21 RBIs.

    Bridwell plans to attend Co-Lin for two years before transferringto Southern Mississippi to pursue a career in elementaryeducation.

    How did Bridwell become such a good defensive player?

    “My overall abilities to play softball comes from God,” saidBridwell. “I continue to improve as a player with hard work andlistening to my coaches’ instructions.”

    Bridwell described her season as being fun and exciting. “It was anoverall successful season, but we failed to reach our goal. It isrewarding to play the sport that I love, with great teammates.”

    Brookhaven coach Chad Walker said, “Erica is a very special player.She takes pride in her position and the team. Playing the shortstopposition comes very natural to her. She is very smooth in hermovements and throws.”

    McKenzie Rials, 5-6 senior right-hander, sparkled at the plate forWesson and plays left-center field on defense. She batted .512 andsmashed 11 home runs to help lead the Lady Cobras to a successfulslowpitch softball season. Mitchell uses a 34-inch Worth Mayhem batand swings right-handed.

    Rials is undecided on what college she wants to attend but doeswant to pursue a career in nursing.

    How did Rials developed into such a good hitter? “God has blessedme with the ability to play softball,” said Rials. “I have workedhard throughout my years of playing ball year around with thesupport of my family and coaches.”

    Rials described her season as being pretty good. “I had a very goodsenior year. I really have enjoyed the season with my teammates. Weworked really hard during the summer to have a productiveseason.”

    Wesson coach Jackie Johnson said “McKenzie Rials worked really hardthis year to become a better hitter. She is a big competitor ineverything that she does.”