Officials: Quiet holiday due to rain
Published 7:00 pm Tuesday, December 27, 2011
While the holiday season often brings about an increase inpolice activity, this year was a quiet one for local lawenforcement.
Many law enforcement officials cited the weather as a reason asrain poured on Lincoln County and surrounding areas. The WasteWater Treatment Plant reported 5.32 inches of rainfall for theweekend.
Lincoln County Sheriff Steve Rushing said his office had a nice,decent holiday. He said they had a few wrecks, but they were mostlycaused by the weather.
“There was nothing out of the ordinary,” Rushing said. “The weatherkind of kept everyone in.”
Chief of Police Pap Henderson said Brookhaven Police Departmentalso had a slow weekend.
“It was a real, exceptionally quiet weekend,” he said.
Henderson said even reports of fireworks were low.
“It was just because of the rain,” he said.
Over Christmas weekend, the Mississippi Highway Patrol Troop Mreported 10 DUI’s and 19 collisions, two of which were alcoholrelated. The reports run from 6 p.m. on Friday to 12 a.m. onSunday.
“(The numbers) were down significantly from last year,” Sgt.Benjamin R. Boyd, of MHP Troop M, said suggesting it was likely dueto the weather.
He said last year there were four fatalities in Mississippi, whilethis year, there was only one. The only fatality wasalcohol-related and occurred in Wilkinson County. MHP Troop Mreported there were 11 total injuries in its area.
Statewide, MHP reported there were 110 collision, including fivealcohol-related ones. There was a total of 29 injuries.