City’s sales tax collections keep up positive trend

Published 7:00 pm Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Brookhaven’s December sales tax reportcontinued a recent trend of upward-looking numbers, according tothe state Department of Revenue.

    The December report shows the city brought in $397,661.21 in salestax revenue, a small increase over the $391,650.18 total inDecember 2010’s report. The December report reflects sales made bylocal merchants in November and the city received its sales taxcheck in January.

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    The total marks the fourth straight month with a sales tax increaseover last year. July 2011 was the last month in which the city’ssales tax revenue decreased from 2010.

    The city’s July 1-to-date total sits just ahead of last year’s,$2,475,749.40 this year to 2010’s 2,448,603.12.

    The year-to-date totals reported by the Department of Revenue donot reflect total collections within the city’s fiscal year, whichbegan Oct. 1.

    City Clerk Mike Jinks said the city has brought in $1,648,051 sofar within its fiscal year. That revenue number puts the city justahead of its projections.

    “That’s barely above what we’ve budgeted, but pretty much righton,” Jinks said.

    The city’s 2011-12 budget projected $410,000 a month in sales taxrevenue, a small increase over 2010-11’s projection of $400,000 amonth.

    “Anything around $400,000 keeps us on track,” said Mayor LesBumgarner.

    The mayor said provided revenue doesn’t dip too far below $400,000the months with higher revenue will ensure the city averages to itsprojections.

    The mayor keeps a list of 21 cities throughout the state andBrookhaven fell at 10th on the list for November sales. That wasslightly above average given Brookhaven’s usual placement at 11thsaid the mayor.

    McComb reversed its position behind Brookhaven last month with astrong $435,525.93 of sales tax revenue in November, about $13,000more about its 2010 numbers.

    Natchez continued the regional trends of increased collection overlast 2010, with $428,117.27 in November 2011 compared to 2010’s$412,263.56.

    Closer to Brookhaven, Wesson saw a small jump, with $13,232.34 inrevenue, up from $12,614.62. However, Monticello posted only anegligible increase of approximately $87 with a November 2011 totalof $35,606.04.

    Throughout the state, cities that Brookhaven has proved competitivewith posted much stronger months. Madison pulled in $450,672.15 inrevenue, a jump from 2010 of more than $50,000. Clinton came inwell behind that total at $347,861.35, but also saw a largeincrease of approximately $46,000.

    Statewide, sales tax ticked upward to approximately $31 million, upfrom $30 million in November 2010.

    Bumgarner anticipates that December’s revenue may be average orslightly above average.

    “I’ve talked to some of the car dealers and their sales were verygood,” Bumgarner said. “But I’ve talked to some of the localmerchants and their sales were down a bit.”

    Bumgarner reminded local residents of the value in shopping in thecity.

            “We’d really like toencourage people to shop locally,” the mayor said.