BES students have classes without power
Published 7:34 pm Thursday, February 2, 2012
Power has been restored to BrookhavenElementary School classrooms today following an outage that keptthe school in the dark all day Wednesday, officials said.
Moisture in the school’s basement seeped into a circuit board andcaused a short, denying the entire building electricity, saiddistrict Public Relations Coordinator JoAnna Sproles.
The power was off when staff arrived at the school Wednesday,according to school employees.
Entergy representative Kenny Goza confirmed the problem wasinternal to the building and not related to Entergy’s powerservices.
The BES outage was confined to the school. No buildings or homessurrounding the school experienced any power outages, said Entergyand school representatives.
It remains unclear whether the building’s circuit board wasreplaced or dried out.
Despite the lack of electricity, BES held classes as normallyscheduled Wednesday. Sproles was on site for a while and observedthe school’s makeshift preparations.
“The great thing about that building is those big windows,” Sprolessaid. “The blinds were up and the light was coming in.”
Some of the windows were actually open, which made for a noisyoutdoors, Sproles said.
“When I parked I could hear all these sounds of lessons beingtaught,” Sproles said.
School administrators also had to improvise lunch preparationsbecause the cafeteria ovens couldn’t be used. Sproles said studentswere fed sandwiches and chips.
“I thought lunch might be a problem but it was handled very well,”Sproles said.
Sproles has a daughter in third grade, and she didn’t seem to mindthat the school day looked a little different.
“When she came home from school, she said it was really cool,”Sproles said.