Best is yet to come for 2012 graduates
Published 8:00 pm Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Editor’s note: Today, The DAILY LEADER continues publication of valedictorian and salutatorian speeches from recent graduation ceremonies at local schools. Today’s address is from Brookhaven High School Salutatorian Jessie Patel.
To the school board members, administrators, teachers, families, friends and fellow classmates, good evening. Tonight we are gathered here to recognize Brookhaven High School’s graduating class of 2012. These are your sons and daughters, your sisters and brothers, your grandchildren, your friends and your students.
This past year has been awesome. We have proved that this is not a class that should be looked down upon. Our football team went farther than people thought was possible. We were told that our band wouldn’t get all superiors, but we did. Even though we are a diverse class, we have proved that it is possible for our class to come together.
The class of 2012 can be defined as ambitious, hard working and perseverant. Some people might call that the tools to success. But success, like everything worth having, is relative; for some people, just making it through high school is an accomplishment worthy of presents and a great, big pat on the back while for others seated behind me, it’s barely the beginning. Whether you’re the former or the latter, this graduation marks an ending to what was and the beginning to our future.
I know we’re ready for what’s ahead of us because we’ve had teachers like Mrs. Brewer, Mrs. Peavey, Mrs. Russell, Mrs. Covington, Mrs. Sasser and many others to help us on our way to achieving all of our goals. After four years of their teaching, I know that we can face life head on. After all, the real world doesn’t seem so scary after a Brewer or Peavey test.
The last 18 years of our lives has led us to today. Just four years ago, we were all awkward preteens ready to embark on the long journey of high school. Four years is a long time but it seems like it all just happened yesterday. Elementary school, middle school, junior high and high school; it all feels like it went by in a flash. Twelve years of school, 18 years of life and just one day to graduate.
For some of us, tonight might be the last time we ever see each other. For others, that moment might come later this summer. A lucky few of us may still stay close to our friends.
I’m not going to say my high school experience was perfect. I’m not going to say that I didn’t have some regrets, or missed opportunities. Every one of us went through good times and the rough patches. But I wouldn’t trade my high school experience for anything else. Everything that we have been through has made us into who we are today. And it’s these experiences, these life lessons that we will take with us into the next step of our lives.
Almost every one of us here are wondering how our lives are going to turn out. It is OK to wonder, but I also think it is important to realize that our future is not just something that happens to us. It is something we create. It is our past and present that will help to shape our future because our future is not set in stone but is merely outlined by what we have accomplished in the last few years.
So, fellow graduates, I urge you tonight to embrace the opportunity before you. Take what you have learned the last 12 years and put it to good use. Leave behind what isn’t helpful and bring forward with you the lessons that will be the working parts of your greatest invention ever, Your Life!
These last four years have been great, but I know that for all of you, the best is yet to come. I wish you luck in all of your future endeavors. Now it is time to prepare for our futures; therefore, I will leave you with the words of Elbert Hubbard: “The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live.” Congratulations and thank you.
Jessie Patel is the daughter of Nareshkumur and Kalpana Patel.