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Support the farmers market; eat healthy

Published 7:00 pm Sunday, July 7, 2013

Twice a week, area residents are treated to a bounty of fresh produce just in from the farm and garden, courtesy of the Brookhaven Farmers Market.

Each Friday morning throughout the summer, Railroad Park is transformed by the arrival of tents, tables and tailgates arrayed with fresh tomatoes, blueberries, potatoes, greens, peppers, squash, okra, corn, beans and more.

There are even jars of locally produced honey to be found, as well as fresh baked goods.

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While the Friday market runs from 7:30 until noon at Railroad Park, each week also features a mini-market indoors at the train station from 3 to 6 p.m. on Tuesday.

So if you miss one installment, you still have another opportunity each week.

The farmers market also provides an opportunity for area residents to meet and greet friends and neighbors as it brings us together downtown.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are among the healthiest foods we can eat if we want to prevent heart disease, stroke and other ailments, so local citizens are indeed lucky to have the farmers market downtown each week.

So go out and support our local farmers and gardeners, and do yourself a favor at the same time.